Points Contest: Week 2 Roundup

Meraki Alumni (Retired)



We've completed week 2 of our month-long Points Contest!


If you're looking for a great way to earn more points, check out our Spring Cleaning Challenge. Submit your spring cleaning photos before Tuesday March 23rd and be entered to win even more swag. It's a contest within a contest!


On to the scores! 69 of you have qualified for at least one entry to win our swagtastic swag prizes! If you are tagged in any of the tiers below, you’ve achieved entry into both a drawing to win your tier’s prize AND a drawing to win the Grand Prize of an MV32.


Members who reached Tier 1 by achieving 30 points:



Members who reached Tier 2 by achieving 100 points:



Members who reached Tier 3 by achieving 200 points:



Congrats to everyone who has qualified so far. Remember, there are still 14 days left to earn points and increase your chances of winning a prize!

Kind of a big deal

You’re not on your own anymore @Greenberet 

Kind of a big deal

Ah finally in the list of Tier 1 😀

Here to help

Keep up the good work everyone!

Head in the Cloud

@DarrenOCyes finally =D

it was a very long lonely week =(

Kind of a big deal

@Greenberet @DarrenOC : You guys are already on Tier 3. Thinking of what will be your next level ...Meraki Ninja’s 🥷

Kind of a big deal

I think we should end the contest right now!  😀

Kind of a big deal

Good luck everyone!

Kind of a big deal

Good job everyone.

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