1. I know there is a heat factor to generating the laser so I can see #1 theoretically being true but I've never heard of that. I mean in theory an SFP with an offline fiber would be seeing horrible loss and running at its highest possible output to try to work and that doesn't break things. Perhaps this is an old school thing or something for very high end/output/industrial optics in things like submarine cables or something?? 2. The net effect is correct in that if the middle switches in a sequence are having issues then of course the outer edges of the sequence would have issues talking to each other, but if say #1 was true that would not cause the SW1 to SW2 to also have that issue. The distance only matters between the two connecting devices in regular gear. Again there could be some application where this matters, but not in any application I've ever seen Meraki and similar gear used for. Honestly they sound like either being very old school and there are things that used to happen that don't anymore or similar to my other comment, they generally work in very different environments. I don't require my fiber cabling techs to understand SFPs or switches and just want them to run cables correctly, so as to dumping them or not just depends on what all they are actually doing and if the work is quality.
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