[CONTEST CLOSED] Happy New Year! What are your Networking Resolutions?

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

UPDATE: This contest has ended, thank you to everyone who shared their 2020 Network Resolutions! Congratulations to our randomly selected winners: @JohnGeorge@SteveKatsman, and @bluemoon.   


In last year’s Network Resolutions contest, the community resolved (among many things) to get better at writing Pythonic scripts for Dashboard API, complete CMNA training, start using the templating feature in Dashboard, and, perhaps most importantly, make more time for the Meraki Community!


Well, as the saying goes, “New year, new IT networking resolutions!”


Tell us your 2020 New Year’s Network Resolutions. Three lucky winners will receive some fun Meraki swag!


How to enter

Tell us your Network Resolutions in a comment on this blog post before 9:59am PST on Monday (January 13).


How to win

Once submissions close at 9:59am PST on January 13th, we will select three entries at random to win an exclusive Meraki Community mug!





🍀🍀Good Luck! 🍀🍀


The Fine Print

  • Limit one entry per community member 
  • Submission period: Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at 11am PST through Monday, January 13, 2019 at 9:59am PST
  • Complete rules and eligibility can be found here.
Here to help

Patch those servers, document all changes, drink more coffee!

Getting noticed

Learning Python, the Meraki dashboard API and getting DevNet Certified.


finally breath after soc 2 type 2 attestation.

Here to help

Get a bigger and badder security appliance that can handle more speed, and finish off replacing the switches.

Here to help

Get more classes in Wireshark, learn Python.. Get a direct line to Starbucks with unlimited Flat Whites

Getting noticed
Migrate all my 450 Cisco CLI network to Full Stack Meraki, Upgrade security in all our network, Upgrade all Windows 7 to Windows 10
Just browsing

More beta testing of new Meraki firewall code along with Umbrella integration and look at ways to inspect SSL traffic

Just browsing

Several switch upgrades and hopefully adding to our MR inventory!  

Building a reputation

Happy new year !


My new years resolution is pretty simple... try to sell and implement even more Meraki gear.

in Q1 we have to do a full setup for a retail customer, 2 DC's, 1HQ , 100 shops, 3 countries....

Ohh, and in between attending at Cisco Live EMEA (are more from here overthere?) 

New here
  1. First and Foremost, Drink coffee
  2. Sell More Meraki
  3. Rinse and Repeat



Not applicable

Python. Hopefully the new Meraki certification too!

New here
Learn to use an OTDR.
Getting noticed

Actually attend at least 50% of the Meraki webinars and quarterlies I sign up for (usually work blows me out).

Python, same as last year, learn it, use it.

Keep sending heartfelt wishes to Meraki to improve some of its firewall management and rules.


Kind of a big deal

Work on new certs

Try to make Cisco/Meraki event (ECMS or CLUS)

Work deeper and wider in the Meraki product lines


Kind of a big deal

My resolution is to play catch up. I missed almost the entire month of December either on vacation or out sick. 



Much advance understanding of Meraki Security, Attend more Webinar to advance my knowledge, Tackle down ECMS Certs, and additional Cisco Security Certs.


My resolution is to:

  • tackle more certs from various networking vendors
  • become more adept at network automation and scripting a
  • Learn a lot of new concepts in data center and cloud networking
  • Improve the Meraki networks in various office locations and become more efficient
  • Catch up on my work and be the best I can be
Here to help

Getting DevNet Certified!!!!!!

New here

Master Python and Ansible, get DevNet certified.


After 20 yrs of networking the hard way, this year I need to get my head around the API and programming for Automation.

Otherwise it could be my last year.  Keep up or get left behind as someone once said. (Sound Darwinian)




Did I mention API?

Comes here often

My 2020 New Year’s Network Resolutions are:

  • to advance my understanding and Utilisation of Meraki Security appliance
  • advance in in-depth Security Risk Assessment
  • Phyton Scripting from Zero to Hero
  • Complete implementation of end-to-end Meraki Solution in my office 
  • Take some certification in Security and SDN-WAN
  • Achieve my Professional Engineer designation

I plan to:

  1. Spend more time in the Meraki Community. 
  2. Learn more about Meraki networking and security.
  3. Have more fun than last year.
Here to help

SD-WAN with Meraki:







Getting noticed
Improve my FIDE rating so I can be a true Chess Brah.
Getting noticed

New ISP connection(s) with hopefully with a Meraki Wireless WAN solution!

Just browsing

Get our Seattle office enjoying the same Meraki goodness we have here in Wellington NZ!

A model citizen

I'm looking to start leveraging Meraki API to make my life easier... Meraki makes life so much easier but I'm looking forward to unlocking their full potential!!!! 

Just browsing

Finish upgrading the last 3 switches to Meraki MS switches.  


To participate in every free network training available and translate the knowledge acquired to my environment!


Focusing on outcomes... making life easier so we can be more productive...
.. at home!


I have 3 kids, all girls (yes, I'm blessed!), aged 15, 10 & 8.


Each have different 'bed time' curfews when tech must be turned off so Youtube, TikTok etc is inaccessible. If not, what generally happens, is that they'll be awake late and my partner and I have to deal with the consequences ion the morning! It aint pretty!


So, multiple SSID's with time availability, aligned with wired connections for SmartTV connections - and not forgetting I need to look at content filtering, but on an individual basis given the ages.


We naturally focus on the use of Meraki for commerce, yet, it has a place in the home too to restrict unwanted content and aide bedtime routines!

The tech is there, just needs to be applied in context for the user.



Here to help

2020 Goals:


Learn more about Meraki SDK and how I can use it to automate tasks in my network and create site templates.


Also, to be more active in networking forums to stay current on relevant issues in the networking world. 


Lastly complete our Meraki full stack solution at one of our new schools. 



Cheers to 2020 👍



Getting noticed

Already started the set up of my home lab with the CMNA offered Meraki equipments; Configured AP, switch and the Mx with trunk ports and vlans plus traffic shaping and firewall rules. Will explore as many features as possible.

Comes here often

Replace the remaining switches to Meraki, and somehow make it to Meraki HQ in SFO


Try to learn python and using api's 

Comes here often

Put my thought into my power planning while picking networking gear to minimize AC adapters!

Here to help

expand my Meraki network and coverage with additional MR

Comes here often

Implementing a network refresh with all the awesome Meraki gear that arrived before end of year. New switches, Gen 6 wifi, cameras and firewall. Woot!

Head in the Cloud
Writing a meraki component for home-assistant.io and use meraki as part of my smart home solution. 🙂
Comes here often

Finish installing all 287 Z3 units across the country. Then I can relax knowing that the 4G dongle will automatically kick in and take over if the fixed line internet goes down. #lowerbloodpresure

Getting noticed

Pass CMSS when its released, learn more Python, develop lots of killer Meraki apps by leveraging the API even more, obtain an entry level DevNet Cert, quadruple our Meraki sales number, land at least two national projects, think big! 🙂

Getting noticed
I am already using the API to help manage my inventory. I block devices that are not assigned to a user from accessing my Meraki WiFi though a custom web application. I would like to take automation to another level and configure switch ports automatically via the API too. And I need cable management in most of my closets.
Here to help

fix this! the document, and re-cable!


ah ohah oh


My resolution is to achieve all the Meraki Engineering (Cisco) Black Belts (Pre-Sales, Deployment, Support) in the next 6 months.  More than half way there!

Here to help

Pass the CWNA exam along with the Meraki ECMS2

Get this CCNA Routing & switching renewal and dive into Cisco DevNet Associate

💻Raise my python skills to another level so I could leverage even more the Meraki Location & sense API 


Oh ... and test this MX + Umbrella special combo

That would be an awesome year 🤠



Here to help

My 3 New Year's resolution's;

1. Drink less alcohol

2. Be more active

3. Help my wife raise our (on-the-way)boy


...oh wait! You meant, Networking New Years resolution's; (😅)


1. Improve and where possible automate certain customer related tasks within their IT environment

2. Be more proactive in my self-education

3. (Relates to the above) Google what all the hubbub is about: Python

  • 3.1 Potentially start learning about Python!

learn python and use it in Meraki, 

Getting noticed

I've just dealt with APIs from Sep 2019.


In 2019, I ...

  • started to post the questions in Meraki community
  • made my own demo dashboard with Meraki Dashboard APIs
  • got CMNA certificate after educated in Cisco Korea Office


In 2020, I 'will' ...

  • deal Meraki Dashboard APIs with Meraki Python SDK
  • make a splash page with Captive Portal API in a good quality
  • study APIs with Python harder and networks, too!

Python and APIs are absolutely at the top of my list. 


Keep working towards CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure lab. Wish me luck 🙂

Building a reputation

vMX and public cloud. I didn't do cloud related work in last few years, but now I have to do it.

Already got installed vMX on AWS and testing now!

Comes here often

My resolution around Meraki 😉:


  • Learn and achieve all Cisco Black Belts for Meraki
  • Learn Python and Meraki API’s
  • Do more Meraki demos and POCs
  • Win more customer deals 🤑 😎
Comes here often

Get the VMware vca-dbt and  ECMS2 this year.  Getting more into meraki and get more coustoomers into meraki so i can work more 😄 

Just browsing

Finish reading Meraki documentations


Apply Meraki to wider range devices within company


Complete Networking with Windows Server course


Kind of a big deal

1. Meraki Evangelism

2. Dive deeper into that API thing

3. Enjoy Cisco Live in Barcelona 😊

Kind of a big deal

Renew CCNP with the new ENCOR exam.
Start learning ISE integrations with both Meraki switch/AP and Catalyst switch/AP.
Get a customer to buy the new MS390.
Start using ekahau for site surveying.


My resolution is quite simple: to create separate SSIDs for 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz ranges

I heard this could boost wireless performance


Lifecycle the MS42s

Getting full MR coverage



Buy a new coffee mug.

Just browsing

Migrate the offices from Aruba to Meraki Wireless - Already three quarters of the way done!!!

New here

Become a meraki partner, and a meraki champion

Building a reputation
finaly get my s2s vpn working from the office to my house. I have a MX64 at home and a MX65 at the office. I want my home IP phone to register to the office CUCM so i can work from home 🙂
Getting noticed

My New Year's Network Resolutions are to pass the Network+ exam, get started on the CCNA, as well as getting involved in the helpful community here 🙂

Here to help

...literally, just survive.

Here to help

2020 New Year's Resolutions


  1. Get my new hardware installed, I am thinking probably titanium because they don't install terminator hardware yet.
  2. Abuse to the MG-21 to the fullest potential during the trail.
  3. Beg, borrow, steal, or bribe a seat in ECMS.
  4. Utilize my college/CEU to the full potential.
  5. Save MORE cash for retirement.
  6. API, API, API - use the Meraki API MORE!
  7. Keep one nostril above water.
Here to help

Balance new WAPs

Finish labelling all devices

Figure out my CRC issues. 



1. Finish testing switches

2. Fix walled garden issues for Z3 teleworker units

3. Find time to do 1 and 2

Here to help

As John Steinbeck so eloquently put it, "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft aglay!" and as we know in IT, this is too true.  I am not a huge fan of resolutions because although I may resolve to do something, my users have a way of taking that resolve, throwing it on the floor, trampling it ferociously and leaving it for dead.


Now, having said that, there are a few things that I have changed about myself:


1. I am more organized.  I start each day with a to-do list (more of a "wish" list, mind you, but it's something) and I strive to get those things done in between the mortar salvos from the user community.

2. I am more involved in the field.  In speaking with my supervisor at the end of last year, I realized that I need to be more "boots-on-the-ground", and put a face to the actions.  Although I can do almost everything I need to do remotely, it is nice to get in my vehicle and make some "house calls", as it were.

3. I am taking steps to be more fit in all areas of my life: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.  My wife and I have started reading the Bible every day (well, OK, you got me: we actually have Alexa read it to us, but that still counts!); my company has implemented a new wellness program and I am actively involved in that; I plan on travelling a lot this year, and I am enjoying my life and my work more than ever!

4. I will get my CCNA certification before the February 23rd, 2020 deadline.  I know that's not a change in me, but it is a goal for this quarter.


So there you have it.  Long-winded, I know, but those of you who know me know that I cannot be any other way.  It's just who I am! 😛


As the late, great Stan Lee said, "Excelsior!"


Learn Python, and create a API to make Alexa tell me how my network is doing!


Learn Python too, stop drinking so much coffee and complete our network replacement project.

Head in the Cloud

Upgrade switches to PoE to power our IP phones from switch, and convert from 1 Gb switches to 10 Gb.  Replace servers and NAS, and some new PTZ cameras, and learning Python, upgrade MX68, use AD authentication for VPN.


Deploy these


and sell MV to more customers!

Here to help

My networking new years resolution is to run systems manager on my linux machine. It shouldn't be done but here I am doing it anyways.

Building a reputation

To learn Python and API's better.




Getting noticed
Work more with the API

Get the CCNP Routing & Switching before it expire. 

Afterwards work a bit with the Meraki API's. 

Maybe get the CCNA DevNet before we start studying for the CCIE Security.  

Comes here often

My resolutions are as follows:


  • Convince the remainder of my non-Meraki clients to abandon the dark side and learn the ways of the Meraki Jedi.
  • Script out a method of auto-brewing my coffee and having a robot butler serve it to me.
  • Get Meraki Systems Manager running on Windows 3.1 just because.
Meraki Alumni (Retired)

Thank you to everyone who shared their 2020 Network Resolutions and congratulations to our randomly selected winners: @JohnGeorge@SteveKatsman, and @bluemoon!