Digital Transformation, from my perspective, is the movement towards a new generation of technology that has started a few years back, but is now growing at a rapid pace. The previous of method of sharing information, through the use of paper and physical media, is no longer the standard. Digital Transformation allows one to share information, spread knowledge, and so much more through a click of a button. It gives us a better outlook on the world, with real-time information given instantly, rather than learning about a situation days later. It also makes better use of space and provides efficiency, as one could instantly find their information right way (rather than flipping through books or any other time consuming method.) Automation, another large part of Digital Transformation, is moving the world towards a different direction. People can create products and solves problems in a short amount of time. For technology companies, automation and the ability to have a global view of their infrastructure, through a single program. Rather than the old method of configuring one device at a time and not being able to find issues quick. In short, Digital Transformation is the present and the future. It would not solve every single problem we face, but I have no doubt it will have an even greater impact in the near future.
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