Hi everyone.
I have 2x L3 switches, 1x MS410, and 1x MS425.
they are connected as the diagram is shown.
I have some servers and storages connected to the MS 425. and i will use it as a core switch.
in MS 410 I have L2 switches connected directly via fiber.
then MS 410 connected directly via 10 Gb fiber connection to MS 425.
I have some VLAN for End users and some VLAN for servers and other resources.
I would like to know which one is better to do.
1. Using 2 diffrent SVI, make users VLAN on MS410 +DHCP server for those subnet and route them to MS 425 via default route and Make the rest of VLAN on MS425? First diagram.
2. Using just 1 SVI,make all VLAN + DHCP server for all subnet on MS 425 and avoid second hope for MS 410, second diagram.
kav noroozi