Community Record
Jan 8 2025
5:55 AM
I do. It is set at 1gig/1gig. Speed is worse today after firmware to 211.4. Now only getting 500/200. I am only one in the office this morning. It is on primary WAN. 20-foot Cat6 from Verizon DMARC to MX250. I have lowered IDP/AMPsettings to see if that had any effect, it did not. Throughput on dashboard says 800, but is that both ways? Tests from Verizon say 800/600. No one is complaining about speed but just trying to stay on top of things. Like many of you, I am a 1-man department managing over 100 Meraki Thank you everyone, have a great day.
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Jan 8 2025
5:44 AM
We do have some port forwards for several servers, but nothing forwarded to this server. We run some client VPN connections; NO-NAT is not enabled. No local users have rights to this server. Just very odd that the IP, FQDN of this IDS alert resolves to on AWS. These events were just Monday and yesterday. Nothing today. I did upgrade firmware to 211.4 last night, may have fixed that issue but not our speed issue. Our internet speeds are still very low coming through our MX250. I might open a ticket today. We have gig/gig fiber. Before new firmware we were getting 900/200. Today I am getting 500/200. Not good.
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Jan 7 2025
9:57 AM
Thank you, Ryan. As I wrote to RWelch, I did not know about this feature. I really appreciate you pointing this out. I think you got the reply in first!!! Really appreciate your help!
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Jan 7 2025
9:55 AM
You are the man! I never knew about this feature. Upgrading tonight. This really gives you insight on things coming in the pipeline. I do have the correct speed settings in the SD-WAN & traffic settings menu. Thank you again.
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Jan 7 2025
7:37 AM
I agree and happy, it was blocked. I am puzzled as to how this outside website even knows about this server, as it is totally cut off from the outside world. A little wary it's from Thank you RWelch, appreciate it!
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Jan 7 2025
7:30 AM
1 Kudo
Nice, thank you. Still looks like it's beta? Ours says it is running latest firmware.
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Jan 7 2025
7:18 AM
We are experiencing same. We have gig/gig fiber on an MX250. No setting out of the ordinary, running amp. We get ±900 down, but only 200up. I have adjusted AMP settings but no change. Running 18.211.2
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Jan 7 2025
7:10 AM
I continue to get this IDS firewall log entry: IP/port: With event: Apache Log4j logging remote code execution attempt The event is blocked. It is directed to a SINGLE internal server NOT open to the internet. It appears to be a valid website. My concerns are, 1) How does this website even know about this particular server?'s rhetorical. 2) Why is it trying to run code on it? again rhetorical. I am just at a loss to this. Server scanned, all clean. It is a new server that was added in the last year, new OS. I cannot find anything in event log on this server that coincides with this, would give any hint as to why something on the outside is trying to get to it. Thank you all in advanced! Anyone else seeing this?
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Nov 27 2023
6:53 AM
Layer 2 would take me an hour to edit out all names...etc. Plus I would need to put it into 3 screen shots. If you want it I'll make it happen, will just take me I don't think this is an accurate L3 picture, as per this topic. Thank you alemabrahao!
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Nov 27 2023
6:38 AM
Running full Meraki infrastructure. When initially set up, "Routed Mode" was chosen by the company that set it up (5 years ago). We have had reporting issues ever since, but I am able to figure out what was actually happening. Now it seems things are getting worse, to the point I cannot figure out routing for some devices. I have routing for some devices showing as going to other buildings (6-7 hops sometimes) on our campus even though they should only have 1 hop to our core stack. I am told to switch to unique client identifier (I have been down this path before). Things I am concerned about. I will lose years of logging...etc. Not sure if this something I need to worry about, but when you hear your losing years of logs.....well ya know 8-). We are running current firmware. I have read some folks have internet speed issues when "Unique client Identifier" is used. Unique client identifier is still listed as "Beta" which concerns me. It has been listed as Beta for over 6 years now. Has me a little concerned. Just wanted the community's thoughts on this. Should I switch y/n?
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Jun 9 2023
9:05 AM
I have not. The community is always my first goto 😉 The repeater is working for one of my SSID's, so I know it's halfway? I will open a case and post what I find. Thank you everyone again!!!
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Jun 9 2023
6:23 AM
Nothing telling that I can see in the log file (I can see results from all other AP's). Since the repeater has no IP address, it is not even tested by Meraki when I run a manual RADIUS test. All other AP's are seen, and pass. When I try to connect to the repeater with my laptop, the connection sits at "Trying to authenticate". If the auth happens on the gateway, traffic does not seem to be getting forwarded from the repeater to the gateway for this. Since the traffic never gets to the gateway, it never makes it to the RADIUS server, hence nothing in the log. Just more info, we also have an open SSID on this repeater that works fine. I am 1 firmware ver behind. Maybe next week I will rev the AP's to the newest firmware. I will read up on new firmware over the weekend. Thanx again everyone!
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Jun 8 2023
11:05 AM
Gateway auth is working, but when I run the RADIUS test through Meraki, it sees the repeater and fails it. Just trying to see if there was a way to either verify the AP through RADIUS, or just clear the error. Thank you
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Jun 8 2023
10:32 AM
Gateway AP succeeds at RADIUS test, but not meshed repeater. Since the repeater has no IP address, how do I add it to RADIUS list? DNS name does not work either. Cannot seem to find anything on this. Thank you all in advance.
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Would love to, ripping up 100yards of parking lot is not in the budget 😉 Just a single hop, should be ok.
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Exactly what I was hoping to hear. Strange I could not find this simple answer/explanation anywhere in Meraki docs hence my hesitation. Very possible I missed it? Thank you very much my friend I appreciate the quick, concise answer, you rock 8-)
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Jun 6 2023
7:56 AM
Our current 4 year old wireless network has had MESH disabled. We have now installed 2 - MR76's with external ant-23 antenna with the purpose of getting wireless to another building. From what I can see, the ONLY way to do this is to enable MESH to ALL AP's not just the 2, MR76's that will be making this connection. I do not want to simply tick a button that could instantly change our entire wireless network which has been working perfectly for many years. When I see that bandwidth can be affected by 50% !!!, I pump the brakes. Could I get some input on this before I proceed. I have read most of the notes from Meraki: Wireless Mesh Networking - Cisco Meraki Using a Cisco Meraki Access Point as a Mesh Repeater - Cisco Meraki Mesh Deployment Guide - Cisco Meraki Extending the LAN with a Wireless Mesh Link - Cisco Meraki but still have many unanswered questions. Thank you all in advance, I really appreciate all the input.
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Sep 7 2022
5:49 AM
Same......seems to be "Spreading" over our network as clients come online this morning......good times.....good times... Update: Found this in our Defender logs at same time of alert from Meraki.
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Apr 30 2020
9:27 AM
Me as well! I do not have any Draytek equipment. I do not know why these are marked as "allowed". Would like to just see "Blocked".
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Dec 9 2019
12:51 PM
So since my current setting show one of my IDF's as root, should I just set my current stack to 8192. That way my main switch stack would always be root, but don't worry about individual switches in the stack. Sorry that sounds confusing....
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Dec 9 2019
7:43 AM
So is RSTP not a concern, or having a root switch not a concern when configured as a stack? Now I have other questions...
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Dec 9 2019
7:42 AM
Just because we have our VM farm plugged into it. Just figured we would make it root switch. But know seeing as it is a stack, I wonder how important having a root switch is. I also tried to make sure it was the switch booted first. We recently went through a massive power outage which blew out one of our large APC units. I booted switch #1 first again, but troubleshooting this latency is when I noticed the RSTP error.
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Dec 9 2019
5:50 AM
We run a stack of 7 switches (all Meraki MS210), along with 2 IDF's (Cisco SG 500's) in our building. Meraki switch #1 is physically set up as to be root. I am confused as to the wording under "RSTP ROOT" under switch #1. It lists a MAC address (which is one of our IDFs?), priority 32768 via Meraki switch 4 port 48 and local port 48. Under Switch, Switch settings I can choose a stack, but not a single switch to set as root. A little guidance would help me out. I have combed the forum here, and have found many articles regarding enabling RSTP, which I do have enabled. The descriptions are just fuzzy to me. I have been battling some minor latency issues, I was just crossing things off my troubleshooting list when I came to this. Thank you all in advance.
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Nov 15 2019
5:03 AM
5 Kudos
After MUCH!!! Investigation it turned out to be a smart TV. This TV has been hanging for a couple months now with no issues. We actually have at least 10 of these smart TV's scattered throughout our building. I had the wireless turned off, but somehow it turned itself back on, (or someone was playing), then did a firmware update which in turn cascaded into it being identified on the network as an Axis wireless camera. Apparently some of these smart TV's have a motion type sensor built into them which can sense hand change channel...etc. I believe this may have been at the root of this. I have read several other articles mirroring what I have experienced. Consider this case closed, again I appreciate all the help from everyone. This is the first time I have reached out to the community, I was pleasantly surprised.
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Nov 14 2019
11:27 AM
I just ran a network scanner from a different computer. It does pick it up as well. So even with a different computer, and a different scanner this device still shows up. I cannot get anything to come up when trying the IP address. Cannot obtain any additional info from the host name....etc.. I set laptop up for same subnet...etc. Something is definitely there, just cannot get any additional info. I do have it blocked from the internet. No one has yelled.
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