Wow! So many of you have been earning points that we couldn't quite fit everyone in Part 1 of this week's roundup. Therefore, we needed an additional post to announce the last bit of Tier 1, as well as Tiers 2 and 3. If you're tagged here, head on over to Part 1 for more ideas on how you can keep earning points!
Part 2 of members who reached Tier 1 by achieving 30 points:
@Adam-BaxterThat was clever !! Where did You possible get that ? That would be the greatest teaser here internally .. Always some friendly brand-wargame going on 😀
SopheakMang , in the worlds condition, every day should be nice! I feel like its a vacation when i can leave the house and visit the office for an hour or 2 of work if I am lucky to find an errand/task i can resolve!
I Agree with DCap up above, a Radius authentication in AD on a PS Script makes it so much nicer, and easier to train clients.. I wish all of our clients used Meraki, soon they will for the win!
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