We are excited to share that Assurance Overview is now generally available and enabled by default for all organizations! Assurance Overview delivers a unified assurance experience for you to understand the overall health of your network across the entire stack. It is a one-stop-shop to monitor your network health and quickly troubleshoot problematic areas.

Assurance Overview can be accessed via the new Assurance left-nav menu. The page can help you:
- Monitor & maintain full stack assurance across WAN appliances, switches, and APs to understand the overall health of your network
- Understand impact to end user experience and identify which clients are affected and why
- Identify faulty hardware and see what metrics are impacted
- Gain visibility into application issues through integration with ThousandEyes
- Correlate insights across the stack by having greater visibility with all the metrics in one centralized location
- Proactively troubleshoot network issues impacting clients, devices, and applications to prevent your network health from further degrading
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