Totally new to trying to get this to work. I understand that if I want to make this recursive, I will need to work some Python magic. I am very interested in doing this as I have over 500 floors to upload (campus setting).
Goal- Upload floor plans to Meraki in bulk. Don't want to upload them one at a time. They are on my hard drive, how do I load them up to Meraki Cloud with API to automate the process? I have familiarized myself with Postman and have done simple tasks.
Mini Goal- upload one floor plan with API.
Trying to work with the API:
POST {{baseUrl}}/networks/:networkId/floorPlans
Here's my interpretation of what I need to do:
baseUrl = where am I going to post my floor plan to. My meraki customer location.
networks = part of the path in the cloud
network ID = one my campus IDs (we have 3)
floorPlans = location of where they are being posted
floorPlanId= looks like I need to create this? Hoping this would be assigned with API. I'm assuming I need to do something like the name of the floor plan "Education Building Smith Floor 1" with a next upload of "Education Building Smith Floor 2."
Questions based on my assumptions above:
1- If that's a post to Meraki, how do I call the material I want posted. Maybe a header or something? But I don't see that in the path provided. Is that something I add?
2- If I post this on a website with permissions- I don't see how to account for that right now either. Since Postman is local to my machine, I could pull from my computer to post but-
a- Best to run a web server on my machine to work this out with Postman?
b- What is the best practice here?
c- Post them on a trusted Google drive to use that path to upload?
Thanks in advance for any help. I'm hoping to get schooled here and be smarter for it. 🙂
Best, Jamie