[CONTEST ENDED] Spend some WFH time here on the community, earn points and win prizes!

Meraki Alumni (Retired)



UPDATE: This contest has ended! See who our 80+ winners are here!


While working from home, as many of us are now, online connections to others can be even more valuable than usual. So, we want to infuse a bit of extra encouragement and fun here on the Meraki Community with our third-ever POINTS CONTEST! 


For the next four weeks (today through Friday, April 24th), you’ll earn points just for participating in community discussions. The more points you earn, the more chances you have to win some fantastic swag.


Details below!


How it works


Just like in our previous Points Contests, starting today, certain actions you take in the community will earn you points. Those points will enter you to win a smattering of Meraki-branded prizes. You needn’t opt in — simply taking one of these point-earning actions will do:


  • Reply to any topic or blog post — 5 points
  • Start a topic (e.g. ask a question, pose a discussion point) — 5 points


To optimize the bang for your buck, writing high-quality posts can earn you even more points:


  • Receive a kudo — 7 points
  • Write an answer that gets marked as a solution — 10 points


As you can see, the more helpful your action to the community, the more points you receive!


There are 3 tiers that you can reach based on the number of points you amass. Within each tier, at the end of the month, we’ll randomly select winners to receive swag as outlined below:


    • Tier 1 requires 30 points and will have 50 randomly selected winners who’ll receive a cloud stress reliever and an “I Cloud Manage” sticker

Cloud Stress RelieverCloud Stress Reliever .                    "I Cloud Manage" sticker"I Cloud Manage" sticker
  • Tier 2 requires 100 points and will have 25 randomly selected winners who’ll receive a cloud stress reliever, an “I Cloud Manage” sticker, and a custom Meraki Community mug

    Cloud Stress RelieverCloud Stress Reliever   "I Cloud Manage" sticker"I Cloud Manage" sticker      Meraki Community mugMeraki Community mug


  • Tier 3 requires 200 points and will have 10 randomly selected winners who’ll receive a cloud stress reliever, an “I Cloud Manage” sticker, a custom Meraki Community mug, AND a pair of the all-new custom Meraki Community socks

    Cloud Stress RelieverCloud Stress Reliever             "I Cloud Manage" sticker"I Cloud Manage" sticker             Meraki Community mugMeraki Community mug


    Meraki Community socks (feet not included)Meraki Community socks (feet not included).           Screen Shot 2020-03-24 at 9.57.06 AM.png

AND, just like last round, everyone who earns enough points to achieve any tier will be entered to win the GRAND PRIZE of a brand new MV32 HW (with 5-year license)! Reaching Tier 1 gets you 1 entry, Tier 2 doubles your entries and… (guess what!?) Tier 3 triples your entries to win!

That means that, over the course of this month, you could write just 6 replies or author just 3 solutions anywhere in the community and be entered to win one of these:Screen Shot 2020-03-23 at 3.49.47 PM.png



How will I know how I’m doing?

To keep you all up to date on your progress, every Monday I’ll post a list of everyone who has reached Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3.


When are the winners chosen?

On April 24th at 10 am PDT, the contest will end. We’ll then randomly select winners for each tier (50 for Tier 1, 25 for Tier 2, and 10 for Tier 3) and we’ll also draw the lucky winner of the GRAND PRIZE.


We’ll announce each of the winners here, so be sure to stay tuned!


More details:

  • Promotion period: Tuesday, March 24th, 2030 at 10am PDT through Friday April 24th, 2020 at 9:59am PDT
  • Up to three possible entries per community member: Each time you progress a tier, your entry remains in the tier below as well (meaning more chances to win stuff!). If you are randomly selected to win in two or three separate tiers, you’ll receive only the prize from the highest level tier. If you are selected to receive the Grand Prize, this will be in addition to any tier-level prizes.
  • Shipping limitations: We can only ship prizes to residents of these Eligible Countries 
  • Complete rules and eligibility can be found here
Head in the Cloud

This is awesome! Thanks for setting this up @MeredithW  and team.

Kind of a big deal

😎Meredith is cool! Thanks.

New here

I am re-introducing myself to Cisco Meraki.  Need to take in as much info as possible and this will give me extra motivation!  I need new socks 😎

Kind of a big deal

Gotta get me some of those socks!

Kind of a big deal

Wow, what a great idea! 😍

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

Foot photo credit @jdsilva of course!

Comes here often

Been looking for a way to add an MV to the lab! (Now I just have to win it?)

Just browsing

Does this reply count, I haven't been on here in quite some time 🙂

Building a reputation

Even though I'm still working in the office everyday (so far) this could be fun.  

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I am in Michigan and its still cold outside, the socks could be dual purposed as hand and feet warmers.

Side note, working at home I won't have to wear those pesky shoes that hide them.




A model citizen

Cool, i like this contests Meredith

Here to help

Working from home can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be!

  • Dress as if you’re going to work. Take a drive around the block to start your day. When you walk back in the door, be ready to work.
  • Pick a spot that can be shut off from the rest of the house – with a door that can be closed
  • Work when it is work time, and family when it is family time
  • Use music or white noise to block out the sounds of the house
  • Leave your “office” set up just as you would at your office, so you’re prepared to start each morning
  • End the day by choosing your three critical priorities for the next day and start the first task.  That might mean that you write the first sentence of a project for example so you’re ready to go in the morning.
  • Your daily routine is more important now than ever – get up and “go to work”
  • Leave the TV OFF!
  • Stay out of the fridge, except when it is time for lunch, avoid the Home Office #15
  • Be empathetic with your family but negotiate the plan for these few weeks you may be working from home.

This is not going to last forever.  Even though it seems like that it is a possibility. 

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Wow! This is the quite possibly the best contest yet! And the ultimate prize is the best yet!

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Killer! Love that we have a good option for learning and sharing while so many of us are adjusting our routines.


I will be pending to answer the following post, but I would like to know how I can enter umbrella licenses in the MX and MR Cheers.

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One of those Meraki Community mugs would look good on my desk!

Comes here often

It's been a pleasure to join the Meraki community. As we all are working from home and doing or best for organization similarly Meraki team also doing great work for arranging these types of contests. All the best for everyone for doing such a great job.

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I love my Meraki flannel, its cold in this basement office! 


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As someone coming in a bit from the cold, this is great news! I have so much stuff to catch up on, but will definately prioritize this after I finish az-900, hopefully monday.


Studywise, this corona thing doesn't seem so bad. Now we just need to keep our employers going and keep our jobs.



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@Guillermo_G_D, here's the KB on Meraki-Umbrella Integration and license claiming/activation.


Does that take care of it?

New here

Awesome!!!! Time to get a new gift from Meraki :). 

Here to help

So, how are you guys studying?


I haven't yet attended any seminars or courses. I heard from a guy at work he just did a webinar/lab which was pretty good, and he got an AP. However, to do some worthwhile labbing you need more than that. A buddy got like a firewall, a switch and and AP for attending a "training day" a couple of years or so ago.


Am I missing out, or have Meraki started giving out less hardware lately?


Also: GRETA-ALERT: The subscriptions have run out  for buddy, and now he's left with basically bricked devices that Meraki don't care about. 😕



Getting noticed

I'll start with a +5 comment here. Nice!

Kind of a big deal

TCAM/ERROR ^^ it looks like your buddy just attended one of Merakis webinars whereby you’ll receive an AP. If he wishes to carry on using the device he’ll need to procure a new license.


Those that have received an AP, switch and MX have attended the CMNA training.

Just browsing

I absolutely want those socks! They are beautiful !  😍

Kind of a big deal

Oh, and can I please have an MV32?  I already own the Stess Buster, Stickers and socks 😁

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That rings a bell!


So, is there no way to attend the CMNA training remote?


If you know, could you please explain the different types of training/certification?



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Yo, Meromsiez, where dat Schawg at? 😙

Kind of a big deal



Look here:




personally I’ve only attended the training at the Meraki offices in London.

Getting noticed

This contest would be a good time to compare unusual Meraki SWAG.


Meraki Horn (3).jpg


Old School Speaker for iPhone

Kind of a big deal


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Uucert: Hm. Seems like CMNA grant the FW+SW+AP, but requires instructor-led (albeit free), while the ECMS1 seems to be nearly identical but online, and doesn't send you the hardware.


Well, instructor led is not gonna happen for a long time, lol. We can't even work from the office unless we can't do it remote. 🙂





Getting noticed

I REALLY like that Meraki Gnome.

Check out this very nice Meraki pen

...Meraki Pen.jpg

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Behold a picture a vintage era Swedish paperclip box. Complete with paperclips!


Nota bene: Gratuitous ö, and sideways picture.







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I'm trying here, ya filthy animals!

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The Meraki gnome is awesome! Should have it guarding a server rack ...

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Adam-Baxter: Silence you fool! The Meraki Gnome holds no candle to The Sock.


The precious Meraki sock is what I must have.



Getting noticed

Yes I support TCAM_ERROR. One sock each means twice as many people get one!

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A single Meraki sock or 2 differnt Meraki socks would be nice addition to the wardrobe ...

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Wait a minute, I assumed it would be a PAIR of socks. I'm gonna have to think abot this.


On the one hand, it's a really nice sock.


On the other hand, I might end up killing myself or an innocent bystander looker for its mate.


Decisions, decions.


Last time I had to make a choice like this:




Kind of a big deal


Updating Media

Also got me one of these

Kind of a big deal

Don’t diss the Gnome TCAM, he’s a valid member of the engineering team

Kind of a big deal

Thank you for the WFH contest, it's been quite crazy working for a school district with all of this going on.


Thank you Meredith!

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UCcert: I used to have Gnome on my team. (Un)fortunately, Eeyore moved in his turf. That guy doesn't mess around. I shall speak no more, lest I incur the wrath of E who shall not be named.

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They have asked for social distancing, but we are coming together as meraki community, learning and sharing. Thanks  @MeredithW

for infusing some energy also prizes as bonus.

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No matter who wins this, I am clearly deserving of an online CMNA course complete with hardware goodies!


It's only right!



Just browsing

winter is coming... i need them socks 😁


With Cisco Meraki, you can just stay at HOME.

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Well, thanks for offering a contest to keep us sane during a time when many of us are quarantined at home. It's my pleasure to be a part of such a cool community! Let's get the party started with the 5 points for this comment. 


I'd like to send extra kudos to the @Simple post with work from home tips for us all. These three resonated with me in particular:

  1.  Play music to block out sounds of home. This is particularly important for me because my neighbors just acquired a few donkeys! Wow! They don't sound anything like Donkey from Shrek or Eeyore.
  2. End the day with three critical priorities to complete the following day and start each of them even if it is a single sentence. I love this one for staying focused. Having a starting point right away in the morning will be great.
  3. Stay out of the Fridge except for lunch time!! I feel like I ate 10 times today.

Tomorrow will be much better. Stay safe and healthy everyone and thanks again.


Building a reputation

socks, drink bottles, mugs.. all good things

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Would be nice to win some swag! 🙂

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Amazing 🙂


Imagine, possibility to win some Meraki gifts !!!!

Thanks to @MeredithW and I crossfingers….

One day, maybe I will walk in the servers room with my new swag and drinking a coffee with my Meraki mug, and Don't forget the MV32, follow me !!!

Big Brother is watching you 😂🤣



#stay at home

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Great challenge!

New here

Great initiative to get closer with Meraki.


This is amazing and would love to have the MV HW in the lab for my development of API integration

Comes here often

Thank you @MeredithW what a cool vibe this creates 🙂

Getting noticed

wow, that's a nice one! 

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Some outside activities are most welcome these days.



Comes here often

This is great adventure. 


But I keep wondering why Africa is always left out of all these contest and challenges. What about community members who are not members on the eligible countries, how will they be a part of all these goodies?


I think those of us from Africa countries need to be included.

Comes here often

That's awesome, I would like to get more into Meraki, it has real potential.


Also the socks are cool.


Took me a while to post.  I was busy washing my hands with lots of soap and water.  Who knew?


I'd love some of the cool Meraki swag.  Can NEVER have enough coffee cups, although a camera would be really nice too.

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I love this idea!!!! Wasn't there a Meraki dog on here at some point?


Looking forward to some cool Meraki swag!

Kind of a big deal

Here, have some kudos y'all!






A model citizen

@SeanW ,

Unfortunately @Maui_Meraki_Dog is no longer with me. My wife ended up becoming severely allergic to him and we had to give him up. He's with a good family though! He has a new brother (another chihuahua) and his new owners have two little girls that absolutely adore him.

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Awesome idea @MeredithW and thanks for doing this.  I am really liking the looks of those socks and mugs.

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Thank you all who gave me thumbs up. WFH comes with its own benefits. Just consider the time that we save on commute, gas, food though it makes a dent on the general economy. Together I am hopeful we will get through sooner if we act as a community. Excited to be in the contest.

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Here is an email that I have been using. I tweak it a little each time I send it out to fit the recipient.


Hello _____,


I trust that you are getting by with the “Safe at Home” order that Governor Evers (WI) has enacted due to CV-19! Regarding that order, I have a couple thoughts for you to consider. This does not need to be hard.

  • Make sure the home network is secure. The bare minimum will be to password-protect the router
  • Use company wide cybersecurity tools. We have several solutions
  • Encrypt sensitive files in transit and in storage, 440bt encryptions are what we offer. (Most of the free programs are only encrypted while in movement. Typically, 128bt Encryption which is easily crackable)
  • Stay informed on cybersecurity and social engineering, read up on different forms of social engineering and phishing so you know what to look for. Now more than ever, scammers will try to pose as your colleagues or managers to try to get you to give up sensitive company information.
  • Avoid public Wi-Fi, which is far more likely to have malicious actors connected to it or running it, as is the case with a hotspot
  • Make sure that your passwords are a minimum of 12 characters
  • Demos available…


Simple Network Consulting has a couple of secure solutions for working from home. It’s one thing to say that workers will work remotely, and access sensitive and confidential information via the internet. It’s another to be able to assure executive management that information is protected, and compliance mandates are met. Please let me know if you have any availability to connect in the coming weeks to discuss.





Excellent initiative!


Thanks for the invite and setting up. Could we have somethings like tips and guidelines also. 🙂

Just browsing

Excellent, let's bring this community to another level! 🤘

Getting noticed

I work from home, but the camera could be placed in kids room, so we can monitoring they behaviour 🙂 


Great idea to not only increase community participation, but also to help out those of us who might be feeling less connected to our teams or others.  Also, since I'm sure a lot of us are overwhelmed with user requests during this time of users working from home, it helps to talk among other like-minds and not only with troubled end-users.  😉

Community Manager

@Goodnight  - what kinds of tips and guidelines are you looking for? Related to the community or to Meraki products?



Getting noticed

So far work from home seems to be half again as busy as normal, with longer hours.  But this will make a nice break.  Thanks for putting it together!


Getting noticed

Thanks for Meraki for this contest, this what i wish, for the winner reward from what describe above, from kudos, from question what we ask, for suggestion for some question, that fair for me.



Comes here often

Awesome contest!!


New here

Cool mugs and socks


Whats the quickest way to bring 3g or 4g up ?

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Im not that active but a sticker would be nice 🙂

Building a reputation

Hm .. Do You do statistics on what countries actually gets considered when allocating prized / NiceStuff ?

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I hope this is a success, this can be a really great moral booster in these times.

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@MeredithW is it possible to check the points that you have accumulated throughout the contest?

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

@ShaquilleDaniel I will post every Monday tagging everyone who has reached Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3!

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Thank You @MeredithW 

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Thank You @MeredithW  from a first time poster all the way from PEI Canada.

Getting noticed

I bet the initial application for that nice Meraki camera won't be monitoring the dog, or keeping an eye on the kids....


It'll be monitoring the security of the precious precious toilet paper, bottled water, and canned food stash.


Motion detect, guard my precioussss.....

Comes here often

Let's do this!!!


Looking forward to diving right in.

Kind of a big deal

You know how people dream about winning the big lottery and what they would do with all the money, even though they have a greater chance of being struck by lightening, twice?


How about sharing a photo of where you would mount your MV32 camera if you happened to win the dream.

Kind of a big deal

@PhilipDAth I’ve been on demos where the cameras have been in SE’s homes and the engineer has built a full Lego city and put the camera above or in to demo it’s capabilities. This is the dream.

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this is an awesome competition! I'd love to see how those fisheye cameras look and this would be a great way to test them out

Building a reputation

So cool

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Fun and creative way to get the less-social involved.  Nice job!

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Thank you !

How many of us are busy setting up VPN's and RDP  connections for clients... 32 in a week for me so far!




This is super exciting! I wish I could get those socks, they are amazing!

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We have an MV32 at the office and it's awesome. I can't wait to have my own at home.


It will be lots of fun for sure! 😉


Very excited to be here! This is a wonderful community!


Good show on Meraki

Very excited to be here! This is a wonderful community!

It will be lots of fun for sure!