Hi folks! (OP here) Thanks for the very helpful discussion. FYI, I went ahead and spun up the 9800-CL, joined my AP to it, and converted it to Meraki. Worked like a charm. This was quite the welcome from the Meraki community! My story -- our small company of ~20 moves into our new building in two days (Mon). One week before the move, I asked about Wifi, and was shown 3x Meraki MR42's the priors hadn't bothered pulling down, years ago. I doubted we should, or even could, use them. Choices were limited for getting new devices in time, so I ordered 9164s w/ 3-year Meraki license, to arrive on move-in day itself, but luck bestowed one a few days early. It arrived Thu -- incompatible, with ~3 days to fix it. Official support channels just weren't gonna cover this, not in the time I had. I was told to purchase 9800's, offered to migrate my DNA license to Meraki, offered to take back the Meraki license and sell me DNA instead, etc. 🙂 THANKS to this group, that AP was installed and working today (Sat), and I still get Sunday off. Respect! 🙂 --- IF you are reading this in search of help on this path, here's my steps (links are below). I ran the 9800-CL on Ubuntu on Dell laptop. KVM/virt-manager via the qcow2 image and the "installing with linux bridge networking" script taken from Cisco 9800-CL install guide (links vvv). Virtual bridge to connect the VM to the laptop GigE port to the AP via PoE switch. Only place I got stuck was when I hadn't properly setup the 3x virbr as per the Cisco script, where you fill in <network name>, as I fumbled getting that working, it would fail in an install script loop, without really explaining what the issue was, at least for me. To setup the WLC, I used the "Day 0 CLI Wizard" (link vv) because I like CLI, but at step ~6 where it says "you can do the rest in WebUI", I switched the webUI and didn't do anything except the bare minimum to add the AP, wait for it to connect, then switch to Meraki mode. Cisco provides a 5-pager PDF (link vvv) on how to do it, once you have AP connected to WLC. Give every step time, esp the switch to Meraki, it will reboot a few times. Seemed like forever -- half hour? -- from clicking convert to having it show up on the Meraki cloud. And ~1 day for a "country mismatch" warning to clear. The hardest part for me was setting up networking such that the VM could see the AP, consider your comfort level in that area and/or budget time to iterate on it!! 🙂 (I spent ~1 hour on that, and 2-3 on the whole process) https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/wireless/controller/9800/9800-cloud/installation/b-c9800-cl-install-guide/installing_the_controller_in_kvm_environment.html#id_89856 https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/wireless/controller/9800/9800-cloud/installation/b-c9800-cl-install-guide/booting_the_controller_and_accessing_the_console.html#Procedure_Using_Cisco_setup_Command_Facility https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/collateral/wireless/catalyst-9100ax-access-points/migrating-dna-to-meraki-mgmt-mode.pdf
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