I think it's more general, when looking across vendors and seeing how fast they are going to market with WiFi7.
If i remember correctly, the standard hadn't even been ratified before vendors such as Ubiquity or MiST began annoncing WiFi7 access points. Even before there were any WiFi7 clients.
I recall that Cisco had the stance that they didn't really belive in WiFi7 and were expecting to jump over it. But I'm guessing because everyone else were putting devices on the market, they had to aswell, otherwise they'd be left behind.
So it's merely to have a presence, rather than the lack thereof.
I have the BE201 NIC from Intel in a Wlanpi, and eventhough is supports MLO and I have two links when connected to a WiFi7 AP, it's still only using one, because it's a Non-STR(?) device.
But then again, I can't say for other 11be NICs.
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