High sampling mode on MT14 has moved out of early access and is GA 🎉
High sampling mode on MT14 increases the sampling frequency for key metrics used to detect vape. With this mode enabled, organizations can monitor for sudden spikes in air quality that may be missed with less frequent sampling. Opting your MT14 into high sampling mode enables it to sample PM2.5 once every 1 second, TVOC every 90 seconds, and ambient noise every 5 seconds. Temperature and humidity will be unavailable.
There is a new default potential vape detection alert that is available to help customers set up their MT14s for vape detection as easily as possible! Activate the default potential vape detection alert by toggling the sensor into high sampling mode on the Sensor Settings page.

Once the default vape detection alert is created, future MT14s can be added with one click; no need to scroll to the bottom of the alert config page and hit save.
As a reminder, MT14s must be persistently powered for this mode to be enabled.
Additional resources:
- Our documentation for more information on technical details
- You can also listen to this podcast featuring Saralyn, Katie and myself to learn more about the opportunity!
- Here's a video demo of how to add your MT14 to the default potential vape detection alert:
- Case studies to come 🙂
Reach out to Angela, Konark, Ollie, or Saralyn for questions.