UPDATE: @tdj7397 has found the missing gnomes! They were lurking around this post about snow during the night...thanks for your help! Now that they're home, hopefully I can get them to stay put....
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Well folks, the year 2020 is about to be over forever and while I know I was looking forward to spending the final days enjoying some contemplative, quiet reflection upon the year past, our tiny bearded friends seemed to have other plans in mind… (as they seem to do every year around this time…)
Last night, while I was just settling in for a long winter’s nap, I heard the distinct clippity clop of tiny gnome feet scurrying out the front door. By the time I sprang from my old timey four-poster bed, tripped over all of the un-stirring creatures about, and straightened my ‘kerchief, the gnomes had made their escape!
A quick review of my MV camera footage revealed MS and MV gnomes had scurried off into the heavily falling snow (...California doesn’t give me a lot to work with):

I wonder if we might find them somewhere in the community! Perhaps this post contains a clue...
If you find them lurking somewhere around here, please comment BELOW with “I FOUND THE GNOMES!” and a link to the post where they’re hiding. The first to comment with the correct link will get their own “I Cloud Manage” t-shirt as thanks for your help.
Terms, conditions, & eligibility info for Gnome in the Home
P.S. To follow along with the Gnome in the Home challenge all week, simply subscribe to the Community Announcements board. You can subscribe by clicking the "⋮ Options" menu at the top. From this menu, you can select "Subscribe" for email notifications.