Recognizing February's Members of the Month

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

Check out February's Members of the Month!


The Rising Star

The Rising Star award recognizes our top new contributor. To achieve this award, you must fulfill BOTH of the below criteria:


  • Joined within the past 3 months
  • Written the most posts in that time compared to your fellow new users


This month’s Rising Star award goes to @Marsrock2021. Since joining in January, @Marsrock2021, who is newer to Meraki, leveraged the community for guidance by posting a number of great questions across many boards, amassing 17 posts.





Thanks for utilizing the community in your Meraki journey @Marsrock2021 and we hope you'll continue to find value here!


Everybody Wins

This award allows us to highlight the actions of a member or members whose recent contributions created a win for everyone involved.


This month, we’re featuring a post in which @Adster1972 asked the community for assistance keeping normal web traffic on LAN and @ww replied in mere minutes with suggestions for doing so. After some back and forth, the question was answered, with @Adster1972 proclaiming "Just to let you know I have followed all of your advice and it is working PERFECTLY. Thanks again you're a legend!" Now THAT'S a win!






Thanks @Adster1972 for bringing your question to the community, and thanks @ww for taking the time to walk through the problem (with an assist from @PhilipDAth who created that VPN tool referenced)!


The Top Four

Here, we congratulate our top four contributors of the month, based on the number of kudos they’ve received and accepted solutions they’ve authored. This month these amazing members provided the community with a total of 39 solutions and received a total of 317 kudos for their efforts. Special shout out to @ww for their first MOTM designation!



122 kudos

21 solutions

MOTM score: 164


76 kudos

7 solutions

MOTM score: 90


73 kudos

6 solutions

MOTM score: 85 


46 kudos

5 solutions

MOTM score: 56

(MOTM score = kudos received + 2*solutions authored)


Congratulations to all of our stellar contributors

 and thanks to everyone who participated on the community in February!


If you come across a truly helpful thread, or a post that’s teeming with positivity and you’d like to nominate the author for the Everybody Wins award, you can submit your nomination here.

Kind of a big deal

Well done everyone, top notch work as usual. 

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Congratulations everyone and @ww welcome to the club 🍾

Kind of a big deal

Congrats all

A model citizen

Congrats to all of you!

Kind of a big deal

As always, an amazing effort by everyone.

Kind of a big deal

Congrats all and way to go @ww 

Here to help

Congrats to everyone!

Kind of a big deal

Kudos to all of you! 👍


Congrats to everyone

Welcome to the Meraki Community!
To start contributing, simply sign in with your Cisco account. If you don't yet have a Cisco account, you can sign up.