As we wrap up 2024, now is the perfect time to pause and reflect on all that we have achieved together in the Meraki Community this year. Your dedication and enthusiasm helped enhance the community experience and foster a vibrant learning environment. Together, we reached some impressive milestones! 🎉🎆

The year began with the biggest transformation of the Meraki Community to date: a complete redesign to align with the look and feel of the Meraki dashboard. This massive undertaking was expertly led by @CarolineS and @Jayne, whose hard work and coordination made it possible. Thank you to all of our 2024 All-Stars and members who provided invaluable feedback on the design and functionality 🙏♥️. You guided us to make solutions easier to spot in long discussion threads, and we encouraged you to write and mark more solutions than ever before. Based on these numbers, you didn’t fail to deliver!
In 2024, you shared more solutions, gave each other more kudos, and welcomed more new members than ever before.

2024 was a year of learning and growth for our community. Many of you kicked off the year by sharing your 2024 networking resolutions with us, with aspirations of renewing certifications and expanding your knowledge. 📚🧑🎓 Judging by the impressive number of hours you spent in the Learning Hub this year, it looks like many of you achieved that goal in 2024. The team also introduced a range of new learning paths – including Cisco Meraki Network Engineer: Fundamental and Unifying Cisco Hardware and Licensing with Wi-Fi 7 – to provide you with even more opportunities for growth and development. We’re thrilled to see the spirit of learning alive and well as we head into 2025!

We also introduced a brand new type of bite-sized, interactive learning content called Network Nibbles. In just a few minutes, you can learn a skill to apply to your Meraki networking knowledge with a short video, hands-on activity, and assessment. We hope you find these as fun to complete as we do! Already more than 500 of you have viewed a Nibble and more than 100 completed the assessment. You can check out the Nibbles here: Zero Friction Wireless with Wi-Fi 7, Cisco Networking Subscription Licensing with Meraki, and Introducing Wireless Automatic Frequency Coordination. We look forward to continuing to expand on the content we offer in the Meraki Community so we can keep learning together!
Finally, our incredible Demo team launched a number of new demos that were used by more than 2,000 of you to help our partners showcase more solutions and understand the value Meraki brings. Among these were [Demo Simulation]Cisco SD-WAN Interconnects, NPI Demo: Zero-Friction Wireless with Wi-Fi 7, Cisco Cloud Management and Monitoring for Catalyst, Automatic Frequency Coordination(AFC) in MR30.7+, MT40 Power Schedules and Sustainability Reporting are available for demos, and Sensor Data on the MS Summary Page. We look forward to demonstrating even more value with Meraki Solutions next year! 🚀Thanks to @ShawnHu and @Phi-L for your continued dedication to spreading the word here in the Meraki Community.
There is an African proverb our team often quotes that is particularly apt for the Community: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” It’s true that when we’re together in the Meraki Community, we raise each other to a level beyond what is possible on our own. The collective knowledge found here is truly astounding.
As we look forward to 2025, we are excited to continue building on this momentum. Thank you to each and every one of you for your contributions, feedback, and passion. Together, we are making the Meraki Community a place of innovation, learning, and collaboration.
Here's to another successful year ahead!