Happy Valentine's Day! Show some ♥ for a fellow community member and you could BOTH win swag!

Community Manager


Meraki mini fridge (with car adapter!)Meraki mini fridge (with car adapter!)

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Show some for a fellow Meraki Community member and you could both be winners!


Tell us which community posts you’ve found most useful, funny, or just fantastic in a comment on this blog post. Each post you link to in your comment is one entry into a drawing for a Meraki mini-fridge for both you AND the community member who wrote the post.


UPDATE: This thread is now closed! Thank you for all of the fantastic contributions. Want to know who won the drawing?



The Meraki Community Team


P.S. To link to a specific reply within a thread, select “Permalink” from the(Options) menu next to the reply's timestamp. This will refresh the page. Then copy the URL from your browser's address window and paste it into your comment.



P.P.S. Please submit your comments by 11 a.m. PST on Tuesday, February 15. A single comment can have multiple linked-to posts; each link is an entry into the drawing for the commenter and the author of the linked-to post. Maximum of 10 entries per commenter. View the complete terms, conditions, and eligibility information here.



Community Manager

Here's an example for you all:


I love the swag thread that @BHC_RESORTS started - I use it as an example all the time of how awesome our community members are 😀


I also really love this response by @Mr_IT_Guy to someone who was rather grumpy... 


Happy Valentine's Day! 

Getting noticed

I'm not sure if it won the contest, but the Meraki Cat by MichelRueger was one of the best in the community challenge. 



I actually want to add this comment on this very page since we have been having this issue internally and searches of the community page didn't seem to find this. So thank you, 4zap

Getting noticed

I 'permalinked' but nothing shows up here? help?

Here to help
New here

The post: "Can a Meraki switch replace a Catalyst 3750 core switch"  was the most useful to convince the rest of the IT team that we could replace our Cisco switches with Meraki switches. Thank you for that post.

Getting noticed
Building a reputation

My team is working toward "zero touch" deployments, and this thread is a giant leap in that direction. Thanks @Melissa

Here to help



This one! We waited a long time for IKEv2 (which will never  be implemented) and now the vMX100 is our solution. Lets buy one more 🙂



Community Manager

@Announcer it looks like you figured out the permalink thing - I also (hopefully) clarified the instructions. Let me know (via a PM here in the community) if you have any further questions!


I like this thread https://community.meraki.com/t5/Off-the-Stack/How-many-Meraki-Devices-do-you-administer/m-p/9326/hig... by @BlakeRichardson sharing some insights about what other people administrate in their Meraki account. Didn't comment there yet as I wanted to put in the biggest number and still working on achieving this Smiley Very Happy


This here https://community.meraki.com/t5/Off-the-Stack/Move-over-Tony-Hawk-Here-comes-Maui/m-p/8318/highlight... is very funny btw and @Mr_IT_Guy will surely get the most mentions in this thread as he's the funniest IT guy out here in the community.


Getting noticed

I think this one made me laugh the most. The community in off the stack is great, but this was my favorite! Link here

New here

All I want for Valentine's Day is a green Meraki shirt. I will wear it proudly.  Think I could get one before St. Patrick's Day?  


#Goals 🙂

A model citizen

My favorite post has to be the one from @PhilipDAth and his Offline Dashboard Backup and Restore.


Many thanks to everyone else liking my posts, especially you @FMCOM!  "Funniest IT guy out here in the community" is probably the best accolade I could get!



this post was the most helpful, it meant that i was not alone in this. i am a compliance officer, so a lot of technical things are not in wheelhouse, but if i have questions i know there is a community of people who are at least willing to help if possible. this means a lot. i received a plethora of posts after i introduced myself, and it was reassuring. thank you.


No technical articles but I found these cool.

Rack studs instead of cage nuts.  I've always hated cage nuts...https://community.meraki.com/t5/Off-the-Stack/Cage-Nuts/m-p/11238/highlight/true#M306


This one inspired me to clean out my gear bag.  I now keep everyone power cord bag i get.  https://community.meraki.com/t5/Off-the-Stack/Recycling-the-power-cord-bags/m-p/6165/highlight/true#...


Kind of a big deal

I like @PhilipDAth's post about default wireless security. It highlights a serious problem that really needs to be fixed.


Link to thread

Kind of a big deal

Totally not trying to schmooze the thread owner but this was by far my favorite thread in the forums.  I learned a ton about other users configurations and best practices.  Truly a checklist of important items.

Here to help
my tweet go to....: german Meraki Team in London.
Here to help

I found BHC_RESORTS on best practices and what they've done on their networks insightful.




Kind of a big deal

My favorite post on our MDM Profile/Agent thread here was by @Melissa! I was waiting for this feature for months and was excited to finally have it in my toolbox.


I am also am a huge fan of the thread here about DEP. Lots of participants, I always laugh when @PhilipDAth tells us Apple folks to move to Android!


It is great to see Meraki showing some light heart to tough network people!!


I love Meraki's way of doing things, how they treat clients, the details they have ... I fall in love with Meraki!!!HeartHeartHeart

Community Manager

Thank you all! This was a fantastic thread. I've just announced the winners of the drawing-for-mini-fridges, if you're curious to know!

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