Community Record
Mar 5 2024
6:46 AM
Hello @Hoamboy and @mplewis299.
Thank you for the heads up. I'll defer this one to @MiriamK as I have transitioned into a new role.
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Greetings @CHaywood
@jesseb514 nailed it. If the DNS queries are encrypted, the security service is unable to see what the query is and take action based on the query.
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Jan 22 2024
10:56 AM
Hey @speakerfritz and @jesseb514
We apologize for this experience. It is clearly not the intended outcome we want. I'll review the cases in question and be sure we're doing all we can to solve this problem long term.
Contacting support is almost always the right play when facing umbrella license issues for the GX product. If we cannot see the key, we can also verify if the key you have is legitimate or not.
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Jan 8 2024
8:59 AM
2 Kudos
Hello @jesseb514, @rising_income, and @stylnchris (feel free to tag someone I missed here)
I'm sorry you are still facing this problem. We raced to get a fix out before the holidays to be sure nobody had to deal with the alerting issue all holiday season, but auto updates aren't perfect.
Version 2.115.0 of the Mobile app should contain the fix. Don't forget that you can opt into the beta to get fixes a bit earlier and help us get metrics on the fix.
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Dec 14 2023
10:20 AM
Thanks for the ping, @Xydocq! I get a notification when this happens, so if I'm not actively lurking the forums this is a good way to get my attention. I should put that in an announcement somewhere.
In any case - @DC3 and @rising_income we've been made aware of the problem and our developers are working on a fix.
I understand it is misleading and not clear that the device is actually functioning well, but rest assured our experience thus far tells us this is only a cosmetic issue.
We'll get it patched up ASAP!
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Nov 29 2023
10:33 AM
1 Kudo
Hello @TobiasFrank ,
This is definitely not working as intended here, then. I'll get a ticket submitted for our developers to fix this issue.
The console log for is testing if we can reach the local status page of the device (we use this to provide a button that takes you to the LSP). The 500 error, though, is more interesting and may be related to the issue. The "network" tab may show the offending request that was made and help us dive a bit deeper.
There are still two methods that should be available to contact support:
1. Use the settings menu directly to open a case, and not the "Contact support" button in the troubleshooting flow.
2. Try using the mobile app both the way you've described to reproduce the issue, but also using the settings menu directly.
If you still face problems opening a case using these steps, let me know so we can take a peek and hopefully fix whatever issue it is you are bumping into.
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Nov 27 2023
12:46 PM
1 Kudo
Hello @TobiasFrank (thanks @Xydocq as usual),
We just tested the case open feature and found it to be working on the web app. Does this problem persist in an incognito browser?
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Nov 16 2023
7:23 AM
Glad to hear that, @speakerfritz! It really does make a big difference, and I'm glad we were able to make the media server connection a bit faster by getting the information to you.
I'll actually bring up the antenna orientation issue with our team. That does make planning your wireless environment more contingent on the dominant band used by client devices.
We'll have an image similar to what you've posted in our documentation before long.
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Nov 9 2023
1:35 PM
Good point @speakerfritz
X is going to be the longest side and Y the shortest side if looking at the access point from the top down. Z, then, is orthogonal to X and Y. I'll update the document to have a guide to show what I mean.
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Nov 8 2023
1:23 PM
Hi @speakerfritz ! Sorry it took such a long time to get back to you on this. This has been a common request, so we've added signal coverage patterns to our datasheets. You can find the signal pattern here now:
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Nov 3 2023
8:51 AM
Hey @GroupeBleu thanks for the case number! I'll work with the support representative and we'll have some next steps or insight for you on the case today.
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Nov 2 2023
8:29 AM
I have been summoned! (Thanks @Xydocq )
I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough time @GroupeBleu and i'm happy to provide some help. The message you are seeing can be caused by a variety of issues, but it ultimately means that your hardware is set for a different firmware version than what is currently installed. As a result, the hardware is likely trying to upgrade and failing for some reason.
Would you mind sending me a message with your case number? I'll take a look and see if we can't get you straightened out.
We have all of our switch ports (including those on the GX) set to trunk mode with native VLAN set to 1 and allowing all VLANs. The reason for this is that it should be a plug-and-play setup out of the box, and changing these settings may result in improper configuration. We're working on a series of guided flows to help people make best practice network designs by selecting configurable templates in the app.
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Aug 9 2023
9:12 AM
1 Kudo
@r3f3r1 for what it is worth, I just mentioned in a design meeting that it is important we add the ability to move the rules around due to the order being important. Which answers your other question that yes, we do a top down format like other firewalls.
It is important to note that pre-existing flows will be honored despite a firewall rule being installed. A way to demonstrate this is start a continuous ping to a computer in another VLAN, and then create a rule to block ICMP to that particular computer on the GX. The ping will continue to function successfully until the flow is destroyed. Rebooting the GX is a sure-proof way to clear the flow tables and test firewall rules are working as expected. Outside of that, some packet captures on the laptop showing particularly what traffic is making it through may shed some light on what to do next.
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Aug 9 2023
9:08 AM
@Mendo54 I'd love to hear the end of this saga, everything looks good here.
Definitely set DNS to "Google DNS" and not to proxy to upstream. After that change to the DHCP settings, be sure to do an ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew to get the new DNS settings. I'd be personally interested in not only seeing the ping results being successful, but also a dig/nslookup command showing proper name resolution. For example: nslookup
This should return the IP address for if DNS is working.
If ping and DNS is working, but you still can't get to the internet - huh. I wonder if IPv6 is causing an unexpected hard time, you could always try disabling IPv6 outright on your client device to rule out IPv6 (or I guess rule it "in").
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Aug 9 2023
9:02 AM
Thanks for the help @Roel_NL and @Xydocq !
The firmware mis-match is informational and indicates that the firmware set for the site is different from that which is actually running on the hardware. Support is the best path to learn more about why this is happening and how to fix it.
We're working on better firmware upgrade control that would allow you to solve this on your own.
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Hello @S_D ,
The infrastructure breakdown works as follows:
You can manage any number of Meraki Go Companies with a single email address / user account.
Each Meraki Go Company can manage up to 5 independent sites.
Each site can handle up to 50 Meraki Go hardware devices (GX/GS/GR).
The MSP can manage any number of Companies, and each Company can manage up to 5 sites.
These limitations are removed when upgrading to our Meraki Enterprise experience.
The Meraki Go MSP will, when logging in, be shown a list of Meraki Go Companies their email address is listed as an administrator with.
Further, you can easily create a new company from the web-app settings menu by clicking 'Create Company", which stands up a new and empty company with the currently logged in account.
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Hello @TRHH,
We haven't formally tested any AOC cables on the GS110 series switches. The SFP Fiber Transceivers tested with the GS110 series can be found here:
These are the Meraki branded SFPs. However, that is not to say other SFP transceivers or mediums would not function (we just don't support them). Your mileage may vary, but so long as the transceiver follows protocol I don't see why it wouldn't work, but I cannot guarantee it'll go as planned.
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May 16 2023
8:45 AM
Hey @NuP and @Hoamboy!
The sonos speakers work at layer 2 for discovery. The guide you have linked is a tool to help users setup their wifi networks in a bridge mode, meaning they pass wifi traffic at layer 2 onto the switch, making the sonos devices discoverable. A guest mode or NAT mode wifi network would strictly prevent this.
That all being said, because the sonos speakers work at layer 2 - they are discovered by any devices on the same network. Let us assume the sonos speakers are on VLAN 100 - any device on VLAN 100 should be able to discover them. If you have a wifi network configured for VLAN 100, any wifi device connected to that wifi network would discover the sonos speakers. If you connect to a different VLAN on a different wifi connection, the devices would not be able to discover the speakers.
Unless Sonos has a way of multi-homing the network access and let certain speakers participate on certain networks, I don't think you can achieve precisely what you want.
You could connect a set of sonos speakers to the "customer" network, and make sure the wifi for customers only reaches these sonos speakers (and not others on another network). However, you couldn't get your 3rd bullet point of having staff see all speakers on one network connection without giving everyone the same level of access.
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May 16 2023
8:40 AM
Hey @RAV1,
I was working on my lab rack last night when I noticed something similar on one of my GX20s.
There is a small chance this is firmware related. I'll do some testing and see if I can get the brightness up on my LED in the lab and report back here. I don't believe we'll be able to do much, but if we can we'll issue a fix.
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May 4 2023
1:00 PM
The fixes are making their way through the testing phases. I'm hoping we should see the patch land on Monday. I'll circle back here to confirm.
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May 2 2023
11:39 AM
Hello @Hoamboy and @Xydocq , Thanks for the heads up! Feel free to @mention me for any bugs encountered to get my attention. There is a possible workaround using the web app ( Try using an incognito window and see if the language flips back to English. If it does, deleting cached site data for the site should fix the problem. There is still a known issue with language selection that should be soon resolved, despite the above workaround.
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May 2 2023
10:30 AM
Hello @Xydocq, This is certainly misleading. Thank you for letting us know there is odd behavior with reported port numbering. We'll take a look and be sure this gets fixed as soon as possible.
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Apr 27 2023
2:17 PM
Hi @questionyibit , We apologize for the reset loop - there was a known issue with the password reset email not generating the proper redirect and this is now resolved as of yesterday evening. You should be able to reset your password now, but if not shoot us an email at and we'll do our best to get you sorted out promptly.
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Apr 24 2023
3:10 PM
Hello @Mikymike and @speakerfritz, I'd like to note that the GX50 does not support dual WAN setups and this is considered a bug. We're not sure what behavior will occur in your circumstance, and future firmware updates will remove this functionality, so please do not plan on this as a long-term feature in your deployments. We may change our stance on this in the future with different product lines.
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Mar 27 2023
11:48 AM
Hello @InSysPro I took a look at the case and am only seeing a model GS110-8 switch (no "P"). This switch does not provide PoE.
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