One more example just to show how random clients can be and why it's tough to be super accurate in dashboard unless you have some very controlled way to configure hostnames. I compared the dashboard detected hostnames from three Macs, two iPhones, two Apple Watches, and a Honeywell thermostat. All Macs, phones, watches run the exact same OS builds as the other same device types. For my phone, Sandra's watch, and the thermostat I have not configured a name in dashboard hence that column is empty. You can see phones for whatever reason send two different mDNS name formats, the watches send nothing, one Mac has netbios name and the other two don't. All devices are wireless. All devices are on the same SSID. User specified name mDNS name Netbios name DHCP name Ryan's iMac Ryans-iMac-3465.local RYANS-IMAC-3465 Ryans-iMac-3465 rymiles MBP 14 M1 RYMILES-M-J294.local null RYMILES-M-J294 Sandra's MBA M1 Sandras-MBA-M1-8.local null SandrasMBAM18 ryPhone.local null null Sandra's iPhone 6c562065-9259-44e8-9d4b-4656fa13b68a.local null null Ryan's Apple Watch null null null null null null Lyric-C1FF37.local null Tstat-C1FF37
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