@whistleblower thanks for updating the thread, that documentation is new since the Group Policy ACL went into public beta and it nicely completes it. Your questions around multiple authentications is a good one, and I don’t know the answer - I’d need to try it to confirm. Below is what I’d expect to happen (based on experience and ‘guess-work’), but would be great for someone that knows to update this thread. 1. Single-Host, easy and just as expected. 2. Multi-Domain, I would expect that the Group Policy ACL will only be triggered by the data domain, and that will be enforced on the port. I doubt very much whether the voice domain will trigger Group Policy ACL - the only question will be whether or not the ACL will apply to traffic in the voice domain (my gut feel would be that it won’t, but needs to be confirmed). 3. Multi-Auth, I expect this will work as it does for VLANs where all authentications have to return the same VLAN or they are denied. In this case I expect they’d have to return the same Group Policy ACL or they’ll be denied. The voice domain will be as per above. 4. Multi-Host, isn’t supported with Group Policy ACL. Would be great if someone that actually knows could confirm this, or add the correct results.
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