Thanks GldenJoe, the only issue I see with all this right now is I exported the, VLANs, Subnets, policy objects and the L3 rules and ported them over to a lab MX that I have setup to simulate the environment and all testing passed as expected. Intra-VLAN traffic were permitted worked as expected. Inter-VLAN traffic where permitted worked as expected. Traffic not specified explicitly to be allowed was not allowed. Internet bound traffic worked just fine. However on the staged equipment where we noticed the issue, test hosts cannot ping each-other within the same VLAN, or in different VLANs that are explicitly permitted. Changing firmware to the latest patch changed nothing. Moving the hosts from the switches directly onto the MX changed nothing. So I built SVIs on Stack 1 and Stack 2 to do ping testing to rule out the hosts themselves perhaps dropping the ping, and they work as expected. At this point I am thinking this is a problem with some of these particular test laptops, but unsure otherwise.
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