I am installing a new Meraki LAN (MX, MS, MR, MT, MV) at a site that has multiple buildings. The design calls for a pair of MX configured for HA. The question is, if I have 2 switches connected by fibre (different building other side of the road) and an MX in each and split the 2 ISP connections 1 into each building - what would happen should the fibre link between the 2 be lost. Would each MX become a primary and effectively create 2 networks? And then what would happen when the fibre connection between the buildings is restored (I assume the Primary one would become primary again and the one over the road revert back to the spare - however whilst it was the primary it will have issued out IPs from its DHCP poll which could potentially cause issues? And to complicate matters further, the MX participates in AutoVPN so which MX would be participating in the VPN as they would have the same subnets. Or is is just a matter of should the fibre link do down then we manually have to shutdown the switchports to the spare MX to take that MX and switch(es) offline until the fibre link is restored. All advise and guidance greatly received.
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