From what you are asking there are several ways to go about this, below are some options you can try pursuing. If you can give us some more details on what you are trying to block we can help you a little more, but these can at least get you going. Do you have any specific domain names or IP addresses that the software comes from? You can create Layer 3 or Layer 7 firewall rules to block communication to/from those domain names and/or IPs. Another option would be to use the "URL category lookup tool" found under "Security appliance > Content filtering > Category filtering". That will tell you what type of category that will fall under and you can add it to the content filtering. That would also block other domains, but depending on the scope you may want that. Both of those options can be done to the entire network, which might be a good idea for you. However if you want to get more client specific you can use Group Policies to create specific firewall, content filtering, etc rules and apply those to select clients on your network.
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