Can we now discuss price of these switches ? 🙂
Because the Cisco / Meraki switch field here has gone real "muddy" in my opinion.

Example from CCW.
The top 3 ones are 24 ports with mGig ports and 4 x 10G uplinks.
Yes, the C9200 does not have 60 Watt PoE (will there ever be a version that does ?, or should we just declare the C9200 for a "dead" ? - Citation needed 🙂 )
But the MP and the C9300 are dang close to each other in price. And who would not rather have a C9300 that down the road can do more then the MS150 (even in Meraki mode I believe - Or am I now getting into the "refrain from posting pre-release stuff? Pleeeeeze?" territory ? 🙂 ).
The last 3 are standard 24 ports with 10G uplinks (except MS130X that gets some mGig ports).
Here it might make more sense ... I guess...
I know we can throw "stacking" into the mix, where some Catalyst might require a "module" with additional cost to work ...
But am I the only one who thinks the pricing seems , "wrong" / "dosent quite FIT" in the stack of all the different switches on these MS150 switches ?
That MP switch seems at least a thousand $ list too expensive in my opinion.
I know we get new "Tricks" like perpetual PoE (thats a new one), and Adaptive policy across all the MS150 switches, and stacking ... but still ... there is something that seems "off" to me.
Thoughts ?