Environmental sensors only access

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Environmental sensors only access

Is it possible to give a user / admin only rights to view the environmental sensors in one network?


I have a user who is working in quality, and he needs to be able so view all environmental sensors, but I don't want to give him full read access to one network.

17 Replies 17
Head in the Cloud

you can give access rights either on organization level or network level. See the following documentation.



I tried to move the sensor to a dedicated network...but this will not work as long you do not have the device (MR or MV) to which the MT connects is also in this network.

In other words.

The MR's and/or MV's to which you like to connect the MT's need to be in the same network.


So you can restrict a dedicated user to have access only to MT's and the connecting MV's or MR's..

hope this helps



yes, same here. And additional my customer (medical stuff)  wants to download the temperature csv file. Thats not possible with the R/O Account I created. 

Getting noticed

Yep, same here.  We use it to monitor our robotic automation rooms and non-IT people need access to the data in CSV format.  I'm working on extracting this data from the API, but I'm having trouble with the JSON paths changing dynamically every time I run it.  It randomizes the JSON paths for each of the metrics.  I've opened a ticket with Meraki to see if they have any advice on how to keep them from changing.

Head in the Cloud

+1 here too.  We have just purchased a number of MT11's for use in refrigerators in a Laboratory.  Naturally the Lab Technicians need R/O access to the Reports.  Without this, I fear the other laboratories may go elsewhere and I am trying to push Meraki across our estate.

Just browsing

Hi @MarcoKoch Did you manage to give access only to the sensor view, or did you have to set read-only permissions for the entire network?

Getting noticed

I'm having the same issue.  I would love to find a way to give regular users access to only the sensors.  As far as I can tell, they need full read_only access to the entire network.  The "monitor-only" role does not seem to give access to the sensors for some reason.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

+1 for me, I asked for this in another thread a week or so ago. I have users that I would like to give sensor only access to just like I currently have users who only access cameras. 

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A model citizen

Why not simply set up an MQTT broker to publish this data?




Head in the Cloud

Quite possibly, tbh I've never looked at this.  Having said that though I still think the preferred option is to have a SAML role that gives a user access to the Sensors only so they can see alerts, download reports etc. basically everything other than configure the sensors/alerts.

I will add MQTT to my list of things to look at, thanks.

A model citizen

I don't disagree, outside of SAML, Meraki needs RBAC across the board. I hear this forthcoming...However, MQTT would allow for proactive automations vice relying on someone to pull the data manually... . MQTT aside you can also set up webhooks to report sensor conditions to Webex, Slack. MS teams etc....to report when temps or whatever alert element hits a certain level or when a condition is met.

A model citizen

Marco, there is a beta going on now that has sensor only admins.... Very early right now. reach out to your Cisco Meraki reps...

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there is new option -> Read-only sensor acccess, which we will try. 





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And new section -> Update camera and sensor permissions

Under Organization > Administrators 



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Head in the Cloud

The issue I have is on the Camera & sensor roles page the you cannot restrict what sensors the user can see.



The "All sensors" box cannot be changed.

Need to be able to select sensors  by network, tag or model.



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Did you have to reach out to your Cisco Meraki rep to unlock this? We are in the same position with multiple locations that have fridge monitoring. We would like to be able to assign access to individual networks. 

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Q: Did you have to reach out to your Cisco Meraki rep to unlock this? 
A: No

 Try to use -> Under Organization > Administrators  - > new section -> Update camera and sensor permissions

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