OK, let me append my initial post. Just this morning I made the switch over from battery power to POE. I toggle the switch over to "high sampling mode." Truthfully, I've been getting so many alerts in battery mode, that every time I saw the phrase "sensor stopped alert," I assumed it was because it went offline.
Now that I'm looking at it, I'm seeing that the alerts are telling me when levels are rising and falling.
What we truly want is to know if/when we are above a certain level. Is that the distinction between the two check boxes for both TVOC and PM2.5?
Here are my current Alert conditions:

Here is the Alert I've been getting, but it may be because I have my thresholds set to be too sensitive. I'm getting them every 20 to 30 minutes.

Thanks for responding. I'm new using the sensors and truthfully, I'm at the point where I want to find a smoker and a vapor and put in the bathrooms to see what changes happen and to what levels in real life, instead of just messing around with "guesstimates."