Customers using Starlink can run into issues using Meraki SDWAN if they use
The Starlink router uses for the local LAN subnet.
If your office uses as well then this will cause issues for SDWAN and VPN Traffic
Prior to version 15.44 you could have the WAN subnet the same as a subnet on the SDWAN the route on the SDWAN took preference.
after 15.44 the traffic would go out of the WAN port and get lost.
This issue was fixed again in 18.0.2 but requires Meraki support to do a back-end fix.
The best solution would be to change the WAN subnet to a different range but this has been impossible.
I recently had a Starlink at my office and with the help of support, there is a solution now.
Starlink allows you to bypass the modem but you must have the ethernet adaptor
To bypass the router, go to the App home page > Settings > Advanced
Starlink App version must be at least 2.0.19 to work
The toggle button on to bypass the Starlink router
This allows you to completely disable the Starlink Wifi Router.
You would need to utilize a Starlink ethernet adapter in order to plug in your own equipment.
While Bypass mode is enabled, router commands will not work.
If the toggle switch does not appear in the Settings tab, can factory reset the router and/or delete and re-download the app.
App Message in red text when Bypass is enabled: "Bypass Mode will completely disable the built-in Starlink Wifi router. this is an advanced feature that requires a Starlink Ethernet adapter and your own network equipment. A manual Factory reset will be required to reverse this."
As an interesting aside.. MY voice MOS scores change changed from 4.4 to 4.2 when using Starkink and Packet loss was about 1%
Starlink MOS score