Anyone else seeing this, or are we just lucky? We have an alerting script that fires 2x a day, 6 AM and 6 PM, which queries the '/organizations/$orgid/appliance/vpn/statuses' endpoint to look for situations where a spoke is online, but cannot reach one or more of our four VPN Hubs (the hubs are Meraki MX450's, most of the spokes are MX67/MX68's). This morning the 6 AM check generated a report listing every. single. one. of our spokes as being unable to reach any of the VPN hubs. To double-check this, I've pulled up the VPN status page at several spokes. Invariably, all of them show uplink decisions as expected, but also show gray for the connection status to all 4 VPN hubs. Our network monitoring system doesn't show any issues reaching any of the spokes, and when I check the 4 VPN hubs I see the expected level of traffic flowing through them. All appears to be working as expected, but the API still claims none of the spokes can reach any of the hubs, and the VPN status pages all show the same. I opened a ticket with support, who mentioned this is a known issue, but from our conversation it sounded like there is/was a known issue with a previous version of the MX software that could generate this problem. The VPN hubs are all on 18.211.2. Most of the spokes are on 18.211.2 or 18.211. I have a test spoke that's on 19.1.6 that also shows the same issue.
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