Visio Shapes

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Visio Shapes

Can we please get some update visio shapes? Smiley Happy

1 Accepted Solution
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UPDATE 30 Nov 2023: Here are some additional Visio shapes!



Hi ya'll -


We have an update related to Visio stencils! The most up-to-date ones live here:


These will be updated over time as we add or change products. You can see the last-update-date here: (under the "Security" section, look for "Security-Cisco Meraki")




- Caroline


P.S. Yes, this link shows up under the “Security” section of the Cisco Visio Stencil Listing - but it includes our full suite of products.

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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67 Replies 67
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Now that you mention it, they could benefit from an update.   

Something a little more representative than  diamond, square, rectangle, etc. 

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Which products are you looking for s4mmy?

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MR74 (can use MR72)



Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

OK I'll pass this along to our product team, thanks for the feedback!

Head in the Cloud

+1 on Updates; Any timeline for these?

Eliot F | Simplifying IT with Cloud Solutions
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+1 here as well. About to do a large deployment and non-generics would be a big help.



Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi all,


We're working on this and hope to have an update for everyone soon. Thanks for your continued patience!

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Is the MX250 Stencil available??

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any updates on this?
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I'd like to know too.


I'm specifically interested in the MS250, mr32 and mr18 ranges and it would be nice to have decent stencils.


According to Google they're supposed to be here but damned if I can find them:

A model citizen

Here is the link for the Meraki stencils that I use:


Stencils included that have been requested are:

  • @s4mmy
    • MR74 (Uses same stencil as MR72. You can see this when you hover over it)
    • MR30H
    • I do not see anything for a vMX. Since the vMX is currently the same as the MX100, wouldn't that stencil work in your drawing for the time being? For the MR33, I'm assuming you can just use the same stencil as the MR32, although it says its for the MR32,MR34, and MR42.
  • @GavinMcMenemy
    • MR18
    • MR32
    • MS250 (Uses same stencil as MS320. You can see this when you hover over it)

This is an updated stencil pack from the last time I was on here as they do have stencils for the MS410 & MS425.


Hope this helps!!

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Thanks Mr IT guy!

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I see the question asked for the MX250 shape but I didn't see anyone answer. Is there one out there.


Is there a timeline on getting the MX-250 shape?

Yes, I can use a "similar" device... but in that case why would I bother with a specific stencil?

I'd just use a generic Switch stencil and label it "MX-250."

After all...

MX-250 stencilMX-250 stencil



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Any update on Visio stencils. I dont see MX250 as a device in the stencils today. 

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Has anyone come across a stencil for the MS425-16?

Community Manager
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Just a quick update on this topic — we are indeed working on a new set of the Visio shapes. They won't be complete for a month or two, but stay tuned! We'll post another update here when they're ready. In the meantime, I love that @jdsilva has offered to share his own custom stencil in Box (see this post); anyone else have self-created stencils they'd like to share?



Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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Despite my inability to resist a good meme, I built a stencil based on the MX 250/MX 450 image on a Meraki blog.

I don't really have a public file repository, but a quick Google lead me to so...

Data fields were built by hand off of an ASA 5515 stencil.

Image is 1924x173 pixels, I probably should have made it double that just to be more readable on zooming.



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Awesome work

I've created a stencil for the MS120-8.  How do I share that?


UPDATE: File Custom Meraki MS120-8.vssx added by Community Moderator.

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Community Manager

@spickles wrote:

I've created a stencil for the MS120-8.  How do I share that?

Hi @spickles -


Thanks so much for the offer to share it! If you send the file to me (via private message), I can post it here on your behalf.



Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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Thank you!
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Hi ya'll!


We have a draft version of Visio stencils for our MR, MS, MV, MX, and Z product lines - see below. We haven't officially launched these on our website; we'd like to get feedback from all ya'll first.



Please reply here with any input and I'll pass it on to the right folks.


- Caroline

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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@CarolineS, the current Z1, MX64W, MX65, and MX65W stencils show the back side of the devices (the side with the ports), but not the front of the device (the side with the status light). Conversely, the stencils for new MX models and Z3 only show the front side, but not the back. Could you please pass along that we would like to have both front and back of the security devices?

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Noted, thank you @Mr_IT_Guy!

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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Report from the team working on this — they're planning to have front and back as requested in the final stencils. Please do let us know what other feedback you have, as we're actively working on finishing these up and it's the right time to make adjustments.



Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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Carol that is awesome but just to point out.   The BACK view of longstanding products like MS225 switches and above with redudant power supplies, the MX100, MX250, MX400 have no back views as well.  It would be nice because the level of documentation we do we have to draw in the optional redundant power as most commerical data centers do A and B power etc.


Please please point this out as this has been missed by meraki on rear view of stencils for years.

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Super, thanks for the feedback @RichH! I’ll pass this on to the team. Cheers!

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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Another update related to Visio / drawing network topologies — we have just released a collection of icons that are very useful in diagrams, especially those that are relatively high-level. They're not .vss-formatted, but can be imported into Visio or other diagram-creation tools. These icons are available for download here, or go to our Product Images page and scroll down to the "Cisco Meraki Topology Icons" item.  


I've included a few samples below:


MR - OutdoorMR - Outdoor        MS - Layer 2 - StackMS - Layer 2 - Stack        MVMV      UsersUsers

Update Dec 20, 2018: Now there's a blog post about our topology icons! 

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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I wish they could stick with a standard on the stencils, release the stencils Meraki use in design docs. 


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Hi @Adoos - 


If you can let me know where you found that particular diagram, I can reach out to the team that made it to see if there are any resources they can share.



Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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Hey Caroline,

It would also be nice if the topology icons were in a Visio format as well.  Would that be possible?

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Any update on the Stencils for the above topology icons?


I would LOVE these in stencil form, any chance of that?
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@AndrewB wrote:
I would LOVE these in stencil form, any chance of that?

Hi @AndrewB!

Which are you referring to? The download at does include .vss files. 


Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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Hi Caroline,


I'm referring to the Topology items linked in this thread and in this blog post:


Having these with connectors in visio would be a terrific as high level diagrams for customers often don't need the physical views (with all the ports) available in the existing stencil set.

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@AndrewB wrote:

Hi Caroline,


I'm referring to the Topology items linked in this thread and in this blog post:


Having these with connectors in visio would be a terrific as high level diagrams for customers often don't need the physical views (with all the ports) available in the existing stencil set.

@AndrewB -  my apologies for the delayed response on this. I have passed this request on to the team.

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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UPDATE 30 Nov 2023: Here are some additional Visio shapes!



Hi ya'll -


We have an update related to Visio stencils! The most up-to-date ones live here:


These will be updated over time as we add or change products. You can see the last-update-date here: (under the "Security" section, look for "Security-Cisco Meraki")




- Caroline


P.S. Yes, this link shows up under the “Security” section of the Cisco Visio Stencil Listing - but it includes our full suite of products.

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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Is there a rear view stencil for the Cisco Meraki MS350?  I can't seem to find one within the zip file.


@CarolineS  do you have a Z3C back stencil you can share with me? 



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@Mfedele wrote:

@CarolineS  do you have a Z3C back stencil you can share with me? 

@Mfedele - I've passed this request onto the team! I realize my response on this is pretty delayed and you probably don't need this any more, but I'm sure it will be useful to someone. Cheers!

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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Back stencils are more vital than front, especially when the ports are on the back. There needs to be a back stencil for the MX67. Where can I find one?

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Yes its very frustrating to be in this much love with a product line and company but yet the basic visio shapes we need to promote the product line withing our organization and to other organizations is behind the times.


I have seen pre-sales engineers that have the shapes (front and back) for all the current and past lines.  Why cant we have them as customers that love the products?


Please Please Please give this serious attention so we can finally close this post and get the shapes we need for best practice documentation and promoting the Meraki brand 🙂



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Community Manager

@RichH wrote:

Yes its very frustrating to be in this much love with a product line and company but yet the basic visio shapes we need to promote the product line withing our organization and to other organizations is behind the times.


I have seen pre-sales engineers that have the shapes (front and back) for all the current and past lines.  Why cant we have them as customers that love the products?


Please Please Please give this serious attention so we can finally close this post and get the shapes we need for best practice documentation and promoting the Meraki brand 🙂


Hi @RichH  - Thank you for this input! I have sent your comment to the team responsible for Visio shapes, and I hope to have an update soon.

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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@CarolineS - Please submit my input as well. I posted and got no reply. MX67 is a very common device we use and the fact that there are not stencils available is a bit ridiculous. Stencils should include ALL models, FRONT and BACK.

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@jpowers36 - I have sent your input on as well; sorry I didn’t post an update about that earlier. Cheers!

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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It seems like there are only "Front" templates for all of the MX67/68 models.  These are basically identical to the older MX64/65 models in the front, but the port layout is different, so the "Back" templates really need to be updated.

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Can I get MS390 Visio Shapes please?


Don't even bother, you might as well take pics yourself and photoshop them, I was one of the first ones to post this and they never did anything. You are wasting your time. 

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can I get the stencil of Cisco Meraki MX85?


Greetings ,


Is there a rear view stencil for the Cisco Meraki MX105, MX95? I can't find any in zip file.


That link is not updated, I have checked this link


Please provide updated Visio stencil link.

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Almost four years later a lot of new products have been released. Are any updates for viso stencils in the future?


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Thanks Caroline. But this still seems somewhat dated. I'm trying to find up to date file which includes:

MR36, MR46:
MS120-24P, MS120-48LP, MS410-32:

This is to be used to create an accurate LLD for a customer Head Office site with multiple floors etc so I can put valid connectors between each of the devices. 

Is this possible yet?

Kind regards,

Bob Krautner

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Hi all,


It a great Year for Meraki, and you bring a lot of new Meraki Hardware out. But where are the Visio stencil ? Need urgent MR36/46/56 and MS390 Stencils


Thanks Michel

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@MichelRueger wrote:

It a great Year for Meraki, and you bring a lot of new Meraki Hardware out. But where are the Visio stencil ? Need urgent MR36/46/56 and MS390 Stencils

Hi @MichelRueger - Thanks for letting us know! I've passed this on to the relevant team, and will keep you posted.

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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I also need the mx-100 backs. These are critical, please supply backs for any fronts you guys have. 

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@Jared_P wrote:

I also need the mx-100 backs. These are critical, please supply backs for any fronts you guys have. 

@Jared_P - This request has been passed on to the team that manages the icons. I'll post here when they have an update, too. Thank you!

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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Hi Caroline,  we are also looking for stencils for the MR46 AP and the back side of the MX67.  Do you know if an updated stencil set is coming anytime soon?

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Hi @chanhale -


I’ll add that to the list of requests to the team that manages these! Not sure of timing for a new release, but I’ll update the thread here when I learn more.



Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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It would be great if the products themselves had the visio stencils added for front and back in the meraki cloud management.   The devices them selves have to ability to draw a topology diagram.  Why not put the visio stencils for the specific products so that any device we subscribe with has the stencil directly downloadable from the meraki cloud management suite?   If you subscribe to the meraki management suite you would have the stencils automatically for the devices you own 🙂


Just a great suggestion for optimization and efficiency 🙂


RIchard Horton



I never got an update on this, I don't think they plan on doing it, I wouldn't hold my breath. 

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Community Manager

@RichH - love that idea! I'll pass it on to our product management team. I'd also recommend you "make a wish" from the dashboard.

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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There was nothing solved about this. You guys never did anything and never added these devices. A year later and nothing. 

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It has only been 4 years since the MX 250 was released just give them some time to create the Visio stencils, they might be busy....  🙄🙄



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Still waiting on MX100-450 rear stencil. Also they're drawn incorrectly, rack ears have only 1 hole per side!

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Not to be picky.  But will there be a Visio set that includes the new MR36 and older MR33.  Nice to distinguish base on shape that they are different type of devices. Ie.  MR33 and MR34 have a different profile.

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Hooray! We have some new Visio shapes! These were a side project of a Meraki employee, @DrDray - so they're not in the official Visio .zip file on but.... take a look!

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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