Has anyone successfully installed the MacOS MDM agent on a computer though any kind of RMM software silently (no user interface)? Or is this even possible given apples OS it seems like they really don't want you to do it at all unless you use their MDM.
I have sucessfully installed the Meraki agent on devices using Jamf Pro
We're considering moving to Jamf Pro. Do you use Jamf Pro as your MDM replacing Meraki? If so, curious how 802.1x w/ Meraki Radius works (if it does).
Gotcha, have you used it with the newest Big Sur or Catalina update by chance? These are the ones we are having issues with
Catalina yes, Big Sur no as all our new Mac's are managed using Jamf not SM, we only use SM for iOS devices.
Gotcha, thank you for your help. As far as Jamf goes do you like that more than SM does it offer more functionality?