...see the changes below:
- Video wall rotation now default when you open Vision Portal (edit to remove rotation)
- In addition to searching for cameras by names and tag you can now search by camera model

- Status overlay for loading indicator for fisheye cameras
- Ability to now conduct Motion Search and export on selected camera on the video wall

- Logout timeout issue while in full screen video wall is now fixed
- MV21/71 playback improvements have been made
Are you up to date?: If the new changes aren't visible to you in the Vision portal, you may need to update your version. Click on the "What's New" icon in the top right of the navigation to view your version, and update to the latest.
The Vision portal can be accessed directly by going to vision.meraki.com, or through the dashboard by going to "Cameras", then selecting "Vision portal".
For more information on the Vision portal, please refer to the "Using the Meraki Vision Portal" documentation article.