May 23 2023
5:52 PM
May 23 2023
5:52 PM
Auto VPN is a proprietary technology developed by Meraki that allows you to quickly and easily build VPN tunnels between Meraki MX devices at your separate network branches with just a few clicks. Auto VPN performs the work normally required for manual VPN configurations with a simple cloud based process.
What is the VPN Registry?
- This is the main server mechanism that allows AutoVPN to happen. It is a cloud service that is used to keep track of the contact information for all the MX devices participating in AutoVPN for an organization.
- A device sitting upstream of a Cisco Meraki security appliance will need the following destinations whitelisted so that the MX devices can communicate with the AutoVPN registry:
What's new?
- We have expanded the UDP port ranges to 9350-9381 (30 additional ports)
Is this live?
- No. We will slowly initiate the cloud migration later this year (October/November) to 2024.
Is this applicable to all MX/Z/vMX devices?
- Yes. Cloud update is applicable to all platforms and require no firmware upgrades - seamless enhancements
- As our customers scale up and expand GEOs, Meraki AutoVPN will be there to serve at scale - Meraki simplicity at scale
Call to Action
- Ensure you have the latest firewall rules configured on the upstream device
- For all the details, navigate to the Help (top-right corner of the page) -> Firewall Info page