NEW BETA: License Move in Co-termination is now supported on the dashboard and API


Public License Move in co-termination is now available and accessible via the Early Access Page.

There are many scenarios that may require the transfer of a license from one Meraki dashboard organization to another.


Previously, moving license keys between organizations could only be performed by a member of the Meraki Support team, but now this feature is available on the dashboard and APIs to Meraki customers using the co-termination model.


This is another step towards adding more flexibility for our multi-org customers so they can save time and money spent when moving licenses in co-termination.

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How to opt-in?


The public license move tool can be enabled from the Early Access page. Navigate to Organization > Early Access. Please enable on both source organizations and destination organizations


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Once enabled, Navigate to Organization > License Info Page and you will see an additional column, “Move” under the License History section.

Need more information?
For detailed step-by-step guidelines, please refer to this document: How-to-do-license-move-in-coterm