Dashboard Problems

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Dashboard Problems

Our dashboard just started acting up. It's duplicated itself. We can't even get to a help screen, as the ? button doesn't work.  Just started around 3:52 central. This happening to anyone else?



1 Accepted Solution
Community Manager
Community Manager

Per status.meraki.net, this has been resolved:


Incident resolved - A fix for the rendering and navigation issues with Meraki Dashboard has been rolled out and verified. Meraki Dashboard is now operating as expected. If you experience further issues, please don't hesitate to contact Meraki Support.”

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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View solution in original post

13 Replies 13
Getting noticed



Same problem here. Coworkers also reporting the problem.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Yes, it looks like all of the code that normally hides elements and allows you to select items has gone AWOL so everything is just shown all at once!


Meraki Status acknowledges the problem and the fix is being deployed.

Getting noticed

Same thing here at about the same time. I didn't have time to look at it much earlier and thought it was a formatting refresh similar to the Community site here. Looking closer at it, it appears that something might've broke.


same here


Me too.  Super difficult to use it this way so I guess it's time to work in Meraki tomorrow 🙂 


Not exactly what I wanted to see when logging in this morning. looks like the Styles.css has gone missing. 

Comes here often

Checked https://status.meraki.net/ already report issue 

Getting noticed

Looks like they just fixed it


Same here!

Community Manager
Community Manager

This issue is now being tracked on https://status.meraki.net/ - please subscribe there for updates.


I’m going to mark this reply as the “solution”, for visibility. Will update when the issue is resolved (but status.meraki.net is the best source of info)

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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I'm seeing the same issue for the past couple of hours in both Chrome and Firefox.



Community Manager
Community Manager

Per status.meraki.net, this has been resolved:


Incident resolved - A fix for the rendering and navigation issues with Meraki Dashboard has been rolled out and verified. Meraki Dashboard is now operating as expected. If you experience further issues, please don't hesitate to contact Meraki Support.”

Caroline S | Community Manager, Cisco Meraki
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