{"logs":[{"DEBUG cmp.magnetic-navigation on 2025/03/06 01:36":{"core.restRequest()":{"query":"/categories/id/Choosing-Your-Ideal-MT-Sensors/nodes/count?restapi.response_format=json&restapi.response_style=view&restapi.format_detail=full_list_element&message_viewer.topic_sort_order=last_post_date&message_viewer.message_sort_order=thread_ascending&nested.page=1","error":"REST Error:\\n path=\\\"https://community.meraki.com/yuzje69629/restapi/vc/categories/id/Choosing-Your-Ideal-MT-Sensors/nodes/count?restapi.response_format=json&restapi.response_style=view&restapi.format_detail=full_list_element&message_viewer.topic_sort_order=last_post_date&message_viewer.message_sort_order=thread_ascending&nested.page=1&restapi.response_style=view\\\"\\n status=\\\"error\\\"\\n code=\\\"101\\\"\\n message=\\\"No category with the specified dispid.\\\"\\n\\n----\\nFTL stack trace (\\\"~\\\" means nesting-related):\\n\\t- Failed at: #local response = rest(query) [in template \\\"core.ftl\\\" in function \\\"restRequest\\\" at line 2241, column 49]\\n\\t~ Reached through: #nested [in template \\\"core.component.ftl\\\" in macro \\\"cmp\\\" at line 77, column 33]\\n\\t~ Reached through: @cmp o={\\\"debug\\\": false, \\\"debuginfo\\\": ... [in template \\\"cmp.magnetic-navigation\\\" at line 6, column 1]\\n----"}}}],"errors":[{"ERROR cmp.magnetic-navigation on 2025/03/06 01:36":""}]}  

Recognizing August’s Members of the Month — and introducing MOTM 2.0!

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

Not to brag, but I think we can all agree that this is the best peer-to-peer community for a cloud-managed IT solutions company named Meraki out there. And it’s made so great by all of you, our members. We’ve traditionally highlighted our top four members each month — but we know this community isn’t JUST comprised of our top members!


That’s why we’ve upgraded our monthly recognition to Members of the Month 2.0. We still highlight the top four contributors overall (based on kudos and solutions), but we’ve added a couple other acknowledgements which focus on other types of contributions that we think are also integral to this community’s success.


The Rising Star

The Rising Star award recognizes our top new contributor. To achieve this award, you must fulfill BOTH of the below criteria:


  • Joined within the past 3 months
  • Written the most posts in that time compared to your fellow new users


This month’s Rising Star is user @CptnCrnch! In the 3 months since he joined, @CptnCrnch  has already written 82 posts and had 5 posts marked as solutions.


@CptnCrunch STAR Pic.png



Thank you for your contributions — we are so glad to have you!


The Unexpected Win

This acknowledgement allows us to highlight the actions of a member whose contributions this month created a win for everyone involved.


This month, we’re featuring a member whose topic resulted in the most comments (and also the most page views!). Their post allowed for information sharing when many of you were receiving a flood of alerts from an AMP false-positive. Thanks @calebbaker  for highlighting the issue and to @Raj66  for providing a speedy update upon its resolution! 


@calebbaker WIN Pic.png



The Top Four

Here, we carry on the tradition of congratulating our top four contributors of the month, based on the number of kudos they’ve received and accepted solutions they’ve authored.



200 kudos

23 solutions

MOTM score: 246  


86 kudos

11 solutions

MOTM score: 108 


85 kudos

4 solutions

MOTM score: 93



81 kudos

5 solutions

MOTM score: 91

(MOTM score = kudos received + 2*solutions authored)


Congratulations to all of our stellar contributors

 and thanks to everyone who participated on the community in August!



If you come across a truly helpful thread, or a post that’s teeming with positivity and you’d like to nominate the author for The Unexpected Win, you can submit your nomination here.


Kind of a big deal

Congrats everone and love the two new acknowledgements!

Kind of a big deal

I think this brings in my 24th MOTM in a row - 2 straight years.  I'm amazing.

Community Manager

@PhilipDAth - YES. Truly amazing!! THANK YOU!!!

Meraki Employee

Congrats everyone. Thank you for being such a dedicated and valuable members of the community. Makes all the difference.



Kind of a big deal

Very cool in finding new ways to recognize members. Nice work @CptnCrnch and @calebbaker !



This actually made me laugh out loud. Kidding aside though, total respect for your efforts here. Out of those 24 months there are very few where you were not the highest contributor. I'm on a streak with my MOTM appearances, but you're crushing it on a totally different level. 


Good to see @BlakeRichardson back in the MOTM. Well done dude. 


@BrechtSchamp You're an animal as always 🙂


I think @NolanHerring just barely missed it this month too. Definitely worth a mention!

Kind of a big deal

Thanks Jason !



Kind of a big deal

Arrrghhhh, missed it again :S

Kind of a big deal

Kind of a big deal
Meraki Alumni (Retired)

A warm welcome and congratulations to @CptnCrnch and @calebbaker!


And a big thank-you to @PhilipDAth@BlakeRichardson@jdsilva, and @BrechtSchamp for your ongoing contributions to the whole Meraki Community!

Kind of a big deal

Woops I hadn't gotten round to congratulating everyone in here.




Here it comes...


Congratulations @CptnCrnch @calebbaker @PhilipDAth @jdsilva @BlakeRichardson !

