Here's the script i am having trouble on checking the internet connection of the ip address from other network. import platform import subprocess import requests import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText import meraki import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta # Your API key and configurations API_KEY = "" NETWORK_ID = "" # Network ID of the device DEVICE_SERIAL = "" # Serial number of the device # Gmail configurations SMTP_SERVER = '' SMTP_PORT = 587 SMTP_USER = '' SMTP_PASSWORD = '' NOTIFY_EMAIL = 'i' # Initialize Meraki Dashboard API dashboard = meraki.DashboardAPI(API_KEY) def get_network_name(network_id😞 """Get the name of the network for the given network ID.""" network = dashboard.networks.getNetwork(network_id) return network.get('name', 'Unknown Network') def get_device_details(network_id, serial😞 """Get device details for the given serial number and network ID.""" devices = dashboard.networks.getNetworkDevices(network_id) for device in devices: if device['serial'] == serial: return device print(f"Device with serial {serial} not found in network ID: {network_id}") return None def check_internet(url=""😞 """Check if a request to the given URL is successful.""" try: print(f"Testing connectivity to {url}...") response = requests.get(url, timeout=10) if response.status_code == 200: print(f"Successful request to {url}. Status code: {response.status_code}") return True else: print(f"Request to {url} returned status code: {response.status_code}. Connectivity might be unreliable.") return False except requests.RequestException as e: print(f"Request to {url} failed with exception: {e}. Connectivity might be down.") return False def check_ping(ip_address😞 """Check if the IP address responds to a ping request.""" try: print(f"Pinging {ip_address}...") # Determine the correct ping command based on the platform param = '-n' if platform.system().lower() == 'windows' else '-c' result =['ping', param, '4', ip_address], capture_output=True, text=True) if result.returncode == 0: print(f"Ping successful to {ip_address}.\n{result.stdout}") return True else: print(f"Ping failed to {ip_address}.\n{result.stderr}") return False except Exception as e: print(f"Ping failed with exception: {e}") return False def get_wan_status(device😞 """Check WAN1 and WAN2 status and internet connectivity sequentially.""" wan1_ip = device.get('wan1Ip', None) wan2_ip = device.get('wan2Ip', None) # Initialize WAN statuses wan1_status = "Not Connected" wan2_status = "Not Connected" # Check WAN1 IP Address if wan1_ip: print(f"WAN1 IP Address available: {wan1_ip}") # Check internet connectivity for WAN1 if check_internet(): wan1_status = "Active" else: wan1_status = "Failed" else: print("WAN1 IP Address not available.") # Check WAN2 IP Address if wan2_ip: print(f"WAN2 IP Address available: {wan2_ip}") # Check internet connectivity for WAN2 if check_internet() and check_ping(wan2_ip😞 wan2_status = "Active" else: wan2_status = "Failed" else: print("WAN2 IP Address not available.") wan2_status = "Not Connected" return wan1_status, wan2_status def send_email(subject, body😞 """Send an email notification using Gmail SMTP server.""" msg = MIMEText(body) msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = SMTP_USER msg['To'] = NOTIFY_EMAIL try: with smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_SERVER, SMTP_PORT) as server: server.starttls() server.login(SMTP_USER, SMTP_PASSWORD) server.send_message(msg) print(f"Email sent to {NOTIFY_EMAIL}.") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to send email: {e}") def main(): # Initialize previous statuses and last update time last_wan1_status = None last_wan2_status = None last_update_time = while True: print("Checking WAN Status...") device = get_device_details(NETWORK_ID, DEVICE_SERIAL) if device: network_name = get_network_name(NETWORK_ID) # Check WAN status wan1_status, wan2_status = get_wan_status(device) # Print WAN status print(f"Network: {network_name}") print(f"WAN1 Status: {wan1_status}") print(f"WAN2 Status: {wan2_status}") # Check if status has changed if (wan1_status != last_wan1_status) or (wan2_status != last_wan2_status😞 # Prepare email content subject = f"WAN Status Update for {network_name}" body = (f"Network: {network_name}\n" f"WAN1 Status: {wan1_status}\n" f"WAN2 Status: {wan2_status}") send_email(subject, body) # Update last known status and time last_wan1_status = wan1_status last_wan2_status = wan2_status last_update_time = else: # Check if 24 hours have passed since the last update if - last_update_time >= timedelta(hours=24😞 # Prepare reminder email content subject = f"Reminder: No WAN Status Change for {network_name}" body = (f"Network: {network_name}\n" f"WAN1 Status: {last_wan1_status}\n" f"WAN2 Status: {last_wan2_status}\n" f"Note: No status change detected for 24 hours.") send_email(subject, body) # Update last update time to avoid repeated reminders last_update_time = else: print("Unable to retrieve device details.") # Indicate the next check cycle print("Checking WAN Status...\n") # Wait for a short period before checking again time.sleep(30) # Check every 10 seconds if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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