OperationID: getOrganizationSwitchPortsUsageByDeviceByInterval Route: /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/usage/byDevice/byInterval I have been tasked to create alerts using port telemetry data, and I have settled on using the above end-point as it provides me with valuable traffic / bandwidth related data for the ports on my organization's devices. I have a few questions regarding this API though: 1. With regards to interval size, the smallest interval seems to be 300 seconds (5 minutes). Is there any way I can have a smaller interval, such as 180 seconds (3 minutes)? 2. When using this API, I am only interested in the latest available intervals. To achieve this, I have set t0 to be the current time - 300 seconds. However, the API returns me two intervals with the same start and end timestamps with differing bandwidth and data information. Why is this so? 3. My understanding of the information provided was that Bandwidth referred to the average traffic speed per second (in KB) while data referred to the total amount of data transferred. Thus, given a 300 second interval, I was expecting total data = 300 * total bandwidth, but given the image above you can see that it is not the case. May I know how these values are being calculated then? Any help is greatly appreciated!
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