Most likely it's because the network was created as a combined network, with all product types. If you had created the network at first as e.g. Security Appliance and afterwards added a switch or Wireless, it would have become a Combined Type but with only Security, Switch and/or Wireless product types. To remove the MT and MV types you can select the network on the Organization Overview page. Tick the network, and click "Split". This will split the network into all product types that it contains. Then you can select the product types you are interested in, e.g. Security and Switch, and then click on "Combine". This will combine the selected networks into a Combined Network. The ones you are not interested, you can then simply delete. If I recall, this does not have an impact to production, but it wouldn't hurt being in the side of caution, and do the first network split/combine in a service window to verify production impact (or lack thereof).
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