I'd agree, following a standard for time for all the API's when looking at performance data would be a grate feature. The t0, t1, timespan and ts timestamp like used on client bandwidth would be a good format to follow. Having a performance number that shows an average of the previous hour, while interesting, is not handy if you are troubleshooting events, or tying other events to system spikes. As in this example, your looking in the wrong area, as the system issue was from a previous hour, and if your looking real time, the event / load could already be gone. This is really important on HUB devices as you do not see the actual client data flows like you do for a spoke. Very easy to pick out an issue on a spoke MX. Hub's on the other hand not so easy. That could be another request, to make the HUB traffic analysis on par with spoke client views.
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