Hi@cisconovice77 Hope you have already referred this documentation. https://documentation.meraki.com/MX/Access_Control_and_Splash_Page/Troubleshooting_the_Splash_Page_Appearance Excerpts from the above documentation Web Browser Times Out Instead of Loading the Splash Page There are some circumstances where an unauthorized user will open up a web browser with the intention of hitting the Splash page to authenticate, but the web browser times out or fails to load the page. This will commonly occur when the user was attempting to access a web site via HTTPS. When the AP or security appliance sees an HTTP GET request from a non-authenticated user, it will redirect that request to its configured Splash page. If the user's initial request is using HTTPS, however, their request is encrypted and therefore cannot be redirected. As such, the request will time out. To troubleshoot this issue, the user should clear their browser cache and try to access any website using HTTP (at this time, bing.com supports the use of unencrypted HTTP). If the issue persists, ensure that the client has a valid IP configuration, and troubleshoot for other possible network issues. Blank Page Loads Instead of Splash Page Since Splash pages rely on cookies to function, a blank page will appear if cookies are not enabled on the user's web browser. This is most common on mobile devices, but can be configured on any modern browser. To resolve this issue, ensure that cookies are enabled in the web browser. Please refer to browser-specific documentation for details: Internet Explorer 9 Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Safari for iOS Splash Page Loads but Post-Splash URL Doesn't On Android On Android devices running OS version 5.0 or later, the URL set on "Where should users go after the splash page" in Dashboard will fail to load successfully. This is an expected behavior of Android OS 5.0+.
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