I have a question about how the uplink traffic is sent over SD-WAN. I'm hoping a Meraki employee could also give an insight on this. My example below is the following and I have simplified it to one spoke site and the hub. So we have MX'es on all sites with both uplinks in use. WAN1 is connected to an MPLS provider that provides an internet breakout on the MPLS so that autoVPN tunnels can be formed over the WAN1 uplinks. WAN2 is connected to the public internet. Not counting every SA that would be made for every direction and local subnet you should have 4 logical connections. From the hub WAN1 to WAN1 on the spoke, WAN1 hub to WAN2 spoke, WAN2 hub to WAN1 spoke and WAN2 hub to WAN2 spoke. When you define SD-WAN uplink policies you can choose your uplink based on traffic matching criteria. However this only selects your outgoing WAN interface. You have 2 logical tunnels from that uplink towards both WAN uplinks on the other side. So how does the MX handle this and is this configurable? As you can see, on the right part of the drawing, for traffic going from WAN1 to the other side on WAN2 it has to break out of the MPLS and route through the internet to the other side. Another question: outside of actually performing a packet capture like I did below, is there a way to see which logical tunnel the traffic takes? The uplink selection page only shows the selected uplink, and the uplink stats only shows latency, jitter, packet loss and MOS score. No traffic utilization and it's not always as clear which tunnel is always shown. You can clearly see there is actual traffic crossing from the private MPLS IP's to the public address of the other MX.
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