3rd wan connection correct installation

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3rd wan connection correct installation

This may be an odd situation that I have been asked to perform.

1. MX85 in a wire closet 1st floor building, 2 wans in use, primary and secondary. Works well.

2. 2nd floor MS120 -48  connects via fiber cable to MX85, 1st floor.

3. 2nd floor : staff just installed an Starlink business satelitte and Starlink router on 2nd floor near the MS120-48 switch.

4. Need : some method to plug in the Starlink router to the MS120 to get that wan back to where the MX85 and another switch are located on the first floor. Is there any way to configure vlans and port settings to get that Starlink wan back to the MX85 over the switch network?  


1 Accepted Solution
Getting noticed

Ryan, we basically used your plan and we begin testing tomorrow. Thanks for all of the comments and suggestions.

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6 Replies 6
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Is there any more fiber you can use between the MS120 and the MX or a switch near the MX? If not, perhaps something like this which is kind of a hack.


Screenshot 2024-08-02 at 13.31.16.png

Getting noticed

We are keeping WAN1 & WAN2 so this will be a 3rd. No more fiber links available. This 3rd WAN (Starlink) will be tested and evaluated for possible replacement at another of our locations as a backup Internet. I'll have to think on this since the MS120 is hanging off of another switch and that switch is where the fiber is connected. I am worried about the traffic from WAN3 (StarlinK) causing problems on the rest of the network. The only time I can test is very early AM or on the weekend but that's not a problem. 

Getting noticed

Ryan, we basically used your plan and we begin testing tomorrow. Thanks for all of the comments and suggestions.

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I feel using a VLAN as Ryan recommended would be the best way to go here without running additional cabling.

A model citizen

Using Starlink can run into issues using Meraki SDWAN if they use

The Starlink router uses for the local LAN subnet.

If your office uses as well then this will cause issues for SDWAN and VPN Traffic  You need to BYPASS the Router..


To bypass the router, go to the App home page > Settings > Advanced

Starlink App version must be at least 2.0.19 to work

The toggle button on to bypass the Starlink router

This allows you to completely disable the Starlink Wifi Router.

You would need to utilize a Starlink ethernet adapter in order to plug in your own equipment.

Getting noticed

Our local subnets are on  so I hope not an issue. Management here has some strange ideas about what they want do with this and it's only for a proof of concept at this time. We have multiple locayions and they want to possible use Starlink as an Internet backup. We are going to test Ryan's suggestion sometime in the next week and I'll update our findings.

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