Hi I'm just new here, and entry level in terms of using Meraki switches.
However is there anyone here that can help me solve my switch problem.
It keeps on rebooting maybe 8 to 10 times on my office hours and it causes us downtime every time it encounter rebooting.
Can anyone help me with this problem.
Thank you in advance.
Hi @dgzbri , have you checked that the plug socket and power cables are both firmly fixed in
Hi @DarrenOC Yes sir I already check the plug socket and power cables. I already tried to change the power cables and still we encountered the same issue.
Which firmware do you use on this switch?
Does the switch light shows green or white or only orange light?
Firmware says up to date but the version is not running configured version.
The switch light shows white color sir
White color says : connected to the Meraki cloud
Firmware up to date means not the actual possible firmware but the firmware of the network. Can you check on Organization - firmware udates if the firmware is pretented to a new version like MS16.8 or MS16.9 at least?
looks on the switch page like this:
Did you try an factory reset?
I haven't try factory reset, as im not sure if the current settings will be lost, as these device is configure by our network admin but he's now resigned.
Currently i have 8 switches encountering this issue. We have a total of 19 devices in our plant
The configuration is on the Dashboard cloud. So when you do a factory reset it will boot and connect to the dashboard and collect the configuration from the cloud again. Be aware that the switch has an free internet connection without any obstacles.
@redsector can you map me where to find that factory reset sir, as we are now finish with our work hours. On monday we can try this factory reset sir. thank you
it´s a very small hole in the front side of the switch. You can push in with a pin and hold it for about 20 seconds.
Will be a small pin hole on the front that labeled "reset".
You will have to use a paperclip or the like to push it in and hold it for 10-15s.
You've gotten some great suggestions. If upgrading your firmware or doing a factory reset does not resolve your issue then I would contact support. Here is a KB on how to reach out to support. Good luck. Contact Support
@dgzbri please downgrade to MS16.7 or upgrade to MS17.1.1 beta, in my case with same switch was same problem. Both firmwares 16.8 and 16.9 leads the switch to unable fetch its configuration and constantly reboots.
Just put downgrade or upgrade from the Organization Firmware upgrades section
Sir @Grzegorz I already downgrade the firmware to beta MS17.1.1 at 8AM, but i already have 2 reboot encounter. Time now is 11:35AM
Have you tried contacting Meraki support yet? I would definitely do so as this issue may be out of your control and could require an RMA.
My personal guess - the MS has failed to change its firmware version and is now in an infinite loop trying to do so.
You'll need to contact Meraki support if this is the cae.