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New Dashboard
Logged in today to what I am assuming is a forced new dashboard and we'll just have to live with it.
What I don't understand is how anyone thought this was better. Am I the only one?
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What browser on what OS are you using and are you using any OS or browser scaling options, I get this on Windows 11 Edge with 100% scaling
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Windows 11
Chrome and Edge, same issue. Scaling 100%
Incognito mode makes no difference either.
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I'm seeing it on some orgs and not others. Not really seeing a specific pattern at the moment. I would suggest throwing a Support case in so they can confirm if this is a known issue or something new today.
I don't recall seeing this happening until today.
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I am using new dashboard and don't have this issue on MacOS 13
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I have another ORG that I just tested and it's working as expected, so I guess me and my lucky shard?
I'll open a case with support, thanks @Ryan_Miles
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Thanks for checking and opening a case. I've checked tons of orgs/shards and only see it randomly.
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You log in once and you’ve broken it all @NolanHerring 🤣😂
Hope alls well? Been a little while.
I'm not an employee of Cisco/Meraki. My posts are based on Meraki best practice and what has worked for me in the field.
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Nice to see you, Nolan, you even if you’re only here to complain! 🙂 (hi! I’m back part-time, filling in for Amy who is on parental leave. Meredith has moved on to a new role at a new company 😭)
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These scroll bars are terrible, who's idea was that ? How do I revert back to the previous dashboard view ?
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I have this problem on the dashboards that use SSO but not on the Dashboard that use the traditional login ...
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Both my ORGs use SAML/OKTA SSO, and only one of them has this issue.
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Meraki support got back to me with a fix:
We have investigated and the reason the issue is occurring, is because of the following Organization setting in the Meraki Dashboard:
-If Organization > Early Access > 'Dashboard Design System' is NOT set to 'opt-in', then you experience the issue that you are.
-If Organization > Early Access > 'Dashboard Design System' IS set to opt-in, then the issue no longer occurs.
Can you please go to the specific section in Dashboard, toggle the setting to 'opt-in', refresh the page and confirm the issue no longer occurs?
I will raise this issue with our Developers (after I check if it has not already been reported) and let you know what their feedback is.
I believe they may fix something in our back-end systems relating to that specific setting which probably should not even make any difference and is essentially no longer required, as the new Dashboard look and has been rolled out to all customers and is the new look Dashboard, going forward.
I performed this task and things appear to be acting normal now. One caveat that I re-raised in my case is that when I click the network drop down menu (I have lots of networks), I still get a scroll bar and the window for all the networks is larger than before I fixed this issue, but still seems small to me.
See image below:
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I love the coercion to wanting the new dashboard look, which I personally prefer, but best keep that quiet!
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Yeah that seems to be the key. Thanks for getting confirmation Nolan.
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Otherwise - not sure how I feel about this new layout.
On both wireless and switch page, I now have a scroll bar at the bottom (left/right), whereas before I never had that and I could see everything. I have a 32" 4K screen and in order to remove the scroll bar I have to zoom out to like 75%.
See below, all I did was revert it back to the 'old version', which is just so much simplier.
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How about honoring the setting to not use the new GUI? We looked at it, it was worse than the original and manually switched back. I don't appreciate being forced to use the new one.
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@NolanHerring wrote:Logged in today to what I am assuming is a forced new dashboard and we'll just have to live with it.
What I don't understand is how anyone thought this was better. Am I the only one?
We don't have to live with it. If customers created enough of a stir about it through support tickets, forums, the "feedback" link, and complaints to the account rep, maybe someone would take notice.
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I dislike the new design, not the design itself, but its functionality.
- Loading times have worsened significantly, especially when dealing with multiple devices.
- The sorting feature on the accesspoint/switch overview no longer functions properly; I have to click "sort" and reload the page for it to take effect.
- Previously, all information were displayed on a single table; now, with 30+ devices, one has to scroll all the way down to be able to scroll left/right and than you have go all the way up again.
- When opening the network list on the left side, it doesn't retain the position; it resets to the beginning every time. Cursor up and down is still working but it does not scroll down.
- In the access points table, the connectivity history now only displays one green color, making it impossible to discern if the device was in a mesh state within the last 30 days. This information is only visible on the detailed access point page.
- In the access point/switch overview with multiple pages, the cursor buttons no longer function, requiring scrolling to the bottom and then back to the top again.
I'm certain there are more issues that bother me; these are just a few that came to mind.
This was tested with Chrome and Opera.
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Ok and now I'm officially upset. I just noticed that the wireless page (switch still seems to have old version available to revert to) is forcing the new view.
IT IS HORRIBLE...who approved this?
ALL of the complains that @Alexander3 I am also seeing.
Sorting is broken
Can't scroll right without having to scroll all the way down and back up again
Why do I have to scroll right at all when the old version didn't have to?
@Ryan_Miles @CarolineS - Can you guys PLEASE slap some sense into whoever is in charge of the dashboard because they clearly are not actual users of it.
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I discovered that it's still possible to revert to the old view. However, in some organizations, there's a redirection to the new view, while in others, there isn't.
To access the old view for Access Points, simply replace the URL with the following:
- manage/access_points -> manage/nodes
Alternatively, you can navigate to "network-wide" > "clients" and click on "devices" at the top. It appears that this still uses the old link.
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Bless your heart!
The new wireless access points page is simply terrible, it literally makes me want to find another vendor its so frustrating.
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- you can't search for multiple entries in the table anymore, for example Q2PD-XXXX-XXXX OR Q2PD-YYYY-YYYY OR Q2PD-ZZZZ-ZZZZ
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- When attempting to move access points (e.g., MR20) from one network to another while NBAR is active, and where access points are not supported, the new dashboard displays "There was a problem moving the access points." whereas the old dashboard used to indicate "Cannot add MR20 devices to a network running NBAR. For instructions on how to disable NBAR, please visit here."
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Just back from a week's leave - what is going on with the dashboard ? It's a mess
C'mon Meraki, get it reverted to the previous version, if it ain't broke, no need to fix it - in the words of The Smiths - 'This joke isn't funny anymore'
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Guys - you seem to not understand your role in all of this. The Meraki product team serves at the pleasure of the Meraki product team. Unless you are a very large customer, they don't care a lick about you, your problems, or your suggestions.
When the product team decided it was time to make the new dashboard layout mandatory for everyone, some intern reminded them that many customers had chosen to turn it off. Their response was "So what? We like it."
Make a Wish/Give your feedback goes directly to /dev/null unless your spend level is above a certain threshold. The system does keep count of deleted feedback and displays it on a public board in the HQ office. The product team sometimes looks up at that and laughs as they think about the fools that took time to write out thoughtful comments and suggestions that will never become anything.
Support is trained to "discard cases that cannot be easily solved by suggesting the customer submit feedback." "Be convincing when telling customers that their feedback is valued and taken seriously", the manual says. "Try not to laugh out loud when you tell this to a customer over the phone or it will undermine the goal of getting the customer to go away thinking their issue will be addressed in the near future."
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I've got four freaking scrollbars showing on a 1920x1080 screen, and a very rude Help Centre button. Do you know how painful it is try to scroll the page with the mouse wheel?
The issue is pervasive in many of the other pages, not just this one.
Topology display is a joke. Try browser-zooming in on a path to get the port numbers with two near-by devices. You simply can't. Need to take a leaf out of Figma's Canvas zoom.
No "opt-in" Design feature to switch on that is supposed to resolve this.
(we fixed the VLAN issue in red).
Anyone also suffer from moanfully slow page-load times? We've complained about this multiple times over the years. Deaf ears. So deaf.