Check out October’s Members of the Month!
The Rising Star
The Rising Star award recognizes our top new contributor. To achieve this award, you must fulfill BOTH of the below criteria:
- Joined within the past 3 months
- Written the most posts in that time compared to your fellow new users
This month’s Rising Star award goes to @Pavan_Pawar. Since joining the community in September, @Pavan_Pawar has amassed an impressive 23 posts by asking great questions and following up with members who help him to get more information in the Switching board. Check out his contributions on his profile.

Thanks for your posts @Pavan_Pawar — we hope you'll continue to find value from participating in our community!
Everybody Wins
This award allows us to highlight the actions of a member whose recent contributions created a win for everyone involved.
This month's award goes to @MariposaJon for asking a great question and including a lot of detail and context to make it easier for others to help address his question. He also did a great job responding with personalized replies to each person who assisted him. All around great interactions on this thread about Chromebooks using Advanced Protection not triggering the splash page!

Thanks @MariposaJon for taking the time to help your fellow Community members and do the right thing!
The Top Four
Here, we congratulate our top four contributors of the month, based on the number of kudos they’ve received and accepted solutions they’ve authored. This month these amazing members provided the community with an impressive 39 solutions in all and received a total of 415 kudos for their efforts. Incredible!
(MOTM score = kudos received + 2*solutions authored)
Employee of the Month
This award allows us to highlight the actions of a Meraki employee whose contributions have made a significant impact on the community or helped our members in some way.
This month’s award goes to @GreenMan. Paul has been weighing in on customer questions and helping answer them across a range of boards, including New to Meraki, Smart Cameras, Switching, Dashboard & Administration and more.

Thank you for your continued helpfulness to Meraki Community members!
Congratulations to all of our ✨stellar contributors✨
and thanks to everyone who participated on the community in October!
If you come across a truly helpful thread, or a post that’s teeming with positivity and you’d like to nominate the author for the Everybody Wins award, you can submit your nomination here.