Announcing the Meraki Learning Hub!

Community Manager



We are excited to announce an all-new resource here on the Meraki Community — the Meraki Learning Hub.


The Learning Hub is now THE place to learn about Meraki’s training offerings. Take a look for yourself:


We also have some exciting changes to share about our training programs:



  • To prepare you for the certification, we are launching a new technical training track: ECMS1 and ECMS2.


  • If you’re a Cisco partner, you also have access to a new on-demand training series that will prepare you to position and sell Meraki, Meraki FIT.


We hope you’re as excited about the Learning Hub as we are and that you’ll join us there to continue your journey with Meraki!


What are you waiting for… go take a look!

Kind of a big deal

Looking forward to more technician focused education on Meraki, rather than Sales focused pitches!


Comes here often

The ECMS2 training course definitely looks promising and I'm looking forward to it reaching the London regional office.

A model citizen

I can't wait for the Cisco Meraki Solutions Specialist certification! But if the ECMS2 is coming anytime soon that would be great too!




Amazing i was waiting for something like this - ECMS 1, 2 & CMSS Smiley Very Happy

Kind of a big deal

New certification. Sign me up! I guess that means I need to adapt my new years resolutions Smiley Tongue

Comes here often

The CMNO was great... but it felt like there isn't quite enough time to cover everything in sufficient depth... so ECMS2 looks great!

A model citizen

I'm looking forward to this training class. When I took CMNO, I found myself hoping that a more advanced course would come along in the near future, so the ECMS2 is just what I was hoping for!


I noticed that the only way to get a seat currently is by recommendation from a member of the Meraki sales team. Who, exactly, is that? We purchased our Meraki gear through a third-party reseller (SyCom Technologies) that handled the sales side and assisted with the implementation. Does that make them our "sales team?" If so, how do they make a recommendation? 


I would like to get into the ECMS2 class while the CMNO training is still fresh in my memory. 


Any info about how to obtain the recommendation would be very helpful and very much appreciated.


Thank you!





A model citizen

I asked for this years ago, glad to finally see it happening. 

Here to help

Finally some deeper training ! Been waiting for this since I took the CNMO. I'm stoked to getting CMSS, now ECMS2 just needs to come to the Chicago area!

Getting noticed
I'd love to be able to register for EMS1. No mater which date/time I click on, there is no form displayed. I've tried this in Chrome and Safari. Does this mean the sessions are full? A note to that effect would be nice.
A model citizen

This is a great step towards the more in-depth training that many of us have been asking for! Hopefully the ECMS2 comes to my area soon as I don't think the company will fly me out to Meraki HQ as much as I would love to go!

Getting noticed
Also, I really hope I'm not going to have to travel 1000+ miles just to take EMS2. Please add more cities for those of us that aren't lucky enough to live in (or near) one of the 3 most expensive cities on the planet. San Francisco, London or Sydney are the only 3 cities listed on the Interest form. Better yet, add a virtual option. I can't imagine anything that couldn't be covered virtually. We are talking about cloud managed networking gear, right?
Kind of a big deal

...And my sales team has officially been harassed about the ECMS2 🙂



Meraki Employee

@CraigCummings There are four ECMS1 March sessions in US time zones available for registration right now (sessions are added regularly). You can select a date from the left-hand column and register via this form


Meraki is working scale ECMS2 capacity, while it will initially be limited to in-person sessions in Meraki offices, the team intends to provide other options for participating in this advanced training and preparing for the CMSS!

A model citizen

@jdsilva @EliseK  How does one go about getting an official recommendation from the sales team for ECMS2?? Can you provide some clarification on that?



Comes here often


Global Meraki Team


I am looking forward to meet all you personally and to assist to ECMS2 at offices in Bogota, Colombia


Good luck with this effort global and rapid progress offering new training (in person and virtual) coming soon.



Kind of a big deal

@Twitch I just emailed my Meraki Account team (also the sales team) and said I am interested in participating in the ECMS2 if there's a slot available. No idea if it'll get me a slot or not, but at least the ask is in with them. 

Meraki Employee

@Twitch,  @jdsilva said it well. You can reach out directly to your Meraki account team to let them know your interest. 


To be notified when additional opportunities to attend a session become available, you can also complete this form.


Information on attendee requirements for ECMS2 (level of technical knowledge etc) is available on the ECMS2 page and the corresponding FAQ. 

Getting noticed

@EliseK, I don't see a form on this page, no matter which date I click on. Just blank white space to the right on the dates. I'd paste a screenshot if I could. I've tried this in Chrome and Safari.


Update: I tried from another computer and it's working, so something wrong locally.

A model citizen

@EliseK @jdsilva  Thanks guys! We don't have an account team that I'm aware of. Our Meraki gear was purchased through a Cisco reseller who handled everything for us in terms of the order, etc. I guess that is where I'm confused - we don't technically have a "team" at Meraki to directly contact.


Can you send me some contact info for someone on the account team that I can forward my request to? 


I truly appreciate your help!



Meraki Employee

@CraigCummings I and my team haven't been able to replicate your problem. Looks like this issue may be a technical one specific to you. I'll send you a PM to get this resolved. 


@Twitch You can contact the sales team covering your account via this form. 


Where can I download new technical training: ECMS1 and ECMS2?


A model citizen

@Liem-Thanh  it's an online webinar you can follow (for the ecms1)

There are no ECMS1 available at this time. Sorry, this webinar doesn't exist
Kind of a big deal

@rward2801 Only Asia-Pacific Sessions seems to be available atm, maybe they're updating the pages.

Meraki Employee

@rward2801 and @BrechtSchamp, if there are no sessions posted for your region, all upcoming sessions for that region are at capacity. New sessions are posted for registration every two weeks and we're actively working to scale availability, so please check back again in a couple of weeks. You can also get a preview of course content and learn more about operating the Meraki Dashboard through select ECMS1 e-learning modules online here

Kind of a big deal

Thanks for the reply @EliseK . I see, maybe the message could be a little more explanatory, this feels a bit error-like Man Tongue :

2019-03-07 18_17_34-Greenshot.png

Meraki Employee

@BrechtSchamp Agreed and thanks for the feedback. The ECMS1 team is working to come up with a fix for that message. 

A link to be notified when new ones are available would be great.
Meraki Employee

@rward2801 ECMS1 as registrations are processed on a first-come, first-served basis when registration becomes available and we don't have a notification link. New session dates are posted on the first and third Tuesday of each month, which means the next registration dates will be posted March 19, so please check back to register then!

Here to help

Woohoo! Thank you for this resource!

Comes here often

I also hope that there are some Asian cities like Taipei in the EMS2 Interest form.

WOW! I get this and 3 days later EMS1 is full and I can't get in. This is great. It means there is a lot of interest. I'll keep watching. But if I understand it. If I already have CMNO then EMS1 is not really necessary?
Kind of a big deal

@TRIS_USA That's how I understand it too. The contents are the same. I would assume after you've done ECMS2 too, you would be ready for CMSS.

Here to help

Yes please!!!


Meraki is long overdue a "proper" certification pathway......have been waiting for something to follow on from the CMNO 👍

Here to help

@CarolineS , I saw that the cert is going to be proctored via Pearson. Do we know what the cost will be for the cert, etc? Is there a way to sign up for alerts when the test becomes available? I've been a long time Meraki fan boy, ~2013 and I've been looking for things like the CMNO and beyond.



Community Manager

@ham737 - so glad to hear you're excited about the CMSS cert! We are too! 🙂


We don't yet have information to share about the cost, logistics, etc, but we'll certainly update the page on the Learning Hub ( when we do. As far as alerts for when the test becomes available — there's nowhere to sign up for these, but we'll be announcing it broadly here on the community and elsewhere when it's ready to go! I have no doubt that you'll hear about it.



A model citizen

Has anyone heard a response from a member of the sales team about being able to get a seat for ECMS2? I contacted them two weeks ago but so far no response. 


Maybe building an actual course registration page would be a better option?





Kind of a big deal

Nothing yet. The feedback I did get is that it's only organized in San Francisco HQ atm so harder to arrange logistically anyway for me and my clients here in Belgium. Although I'd love to go.

A model citizen

I'm so excited about this new certification path! I have my ECMS1 next week and just fill out the form today for the ECMS2. I have already talked to my employer and if accepted they have already approved the trip to San Francisco! I really hope I get the opportunity to attend because we are starting to heavily deploy Meraki solutions at all of our locations!

Kind of a big deal

@Twitch I'm sure a more widely available registration page will be in place once the course is fully off the ground. Since it's by invite only right now I don't think you can expect that quite yet. 

Just browsing

I'm based in Cape Town and I see that you have no plans to host the ECMS2 course here.

Do you have any dates lined up for London, as I would love to attend.

We're quite a large Meraki house in South Africa and have at least 3 people that would benefit from the 3 day course.

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Good job, glad they added more technical focus.

Comes here often

The ECMS1 is finished at this time. Finally a bit of technical knowledge and laboratories to play!

Waiting for the ECMS2, maybe done in Italian language for those who, like me, have some English "flaws".

Who knows, I ask, maybe you do it for real! Smiley Very Happy

Building a reputation

Glad to see this coming as like most I was hoping for some more in-depth Meraki training.   I am tempted to take the CMNO (now ECMS1) again just to see how it is now but they fill up very fast.

Getting noticed
I'm actually amazed it took this long to get some training programs in place. The roll-out has seemed very haphazard/disorganized/half-a**ed. And why are the classes sizes so limited anyway? It's virtual. Your Cisco. I'm sure you could easily expand the class size if you wanted. What gives? I'd make a wish, but my wishes never come true.
Comes here often

Looking forward to some more in depth training!

Here to help

Signed up and accepted for ECMS1 next week, hoping hear back from you lovely people about ECMS2 soon 🙂

Here to help

ECMS1 complete, was really good session thank you, now to wait on the 3 day course in london, first one starts next month, fingers crossed I get a place 🙂



ECMS1 complete , how could I participate in ECMS2 course?



Hello all,


I would like to cancel the training I am scheduled for which is ECMS1. I have it scheduled for another day already and don’t want to fill up a spot that somebody else can use. Can you please advise?



Community Manager

Hi @solobh -

Please email the team at and let them know.


A model citizen

Has any progress been made with being able to sign-up for the ECMS 2 course? I requested a class back when it was first announced and I have not heard a thing since. Is a more formal process in place now besides "email and wait?" Our sales guy has even reached-out to some folks at Meraki on my behalf, but nothing has ever been heard in response. 







Community Manager

@Twitch - we are continuing to work to scale the ECMS2 program. There is no new process as of yet.

New here

Hi there,


I achieved my CMNO certification 21/09/2017. Could you please tell me how I can get a copy of my certificate?



Brendon Bell


Already taken ECMS1 yesterday, How can I know if I passed ECMS1?

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