@Asavoy wrote: Does the MS350 have a dedicated management port? From what I see of the specifications, it doesn't.... not like a MS410 has. Yes, the MS350 has a dedicated management port. It's important to keep in mind that MS devices with a dedicated management port cannot use this port for Dashboard connectivity. The port is ONLY used for access to the local UI when the switch doesn't have an Internet connection. You cannot set an IP on this physical interface. But anyhow, like I've said in my post about my MS320s, Meraki has got to fix their terminology in this regard. They use the terms Management, LAN IP, and Uplink interchangebly, and if you're not familiar with Meraki equipment you can get very confused. The management port is the physical port on the switch (if it's equipped with one). The LAN IP and Uplink are references to Dashboard uplink. The LAN IP you set for the switch is what's going to be used for Dashboard connectivity. By default all MS devices will try DHCP to get Dashboard connectivity. The management VLAN setting at the network level (more below) is also describing the VLAN the MS device will use to get Internet/Dashboard connectivity. It's also confusing that you can set Management VLAN in the Configure>Switches section, but then bypass that by specifying a different VLAN ID in the LAN IP, AKA, 'Uplink configuration', AKA, 'Uplink Internet Connection'. The management VLAN is a network level default. You can override this setting on an individual switch basis if you need it to be different on a specific switch. If all the switches in a Dashboard network are meant to use the same management VLAN for Dashboard connectivity, then you should change the Management VLAN option and not set this on each individual switch. The actual Uplink Interface is located in the Configure>Routing and DHCP section. That's where you specify the Uplink Interface, it's gateway, and VLAN. That CAN absolutely be in the same address range as your Management VLAN. These are layer 3 interfaces. I'm not sure that "uplink" is mentioned anywhere on these pages. You don't need to create a L3 interface for an MS device to get Internet connectivity/Dashboard connectivity. You only need to create L3 interfaces if you want the MS device to do routing. Also it's important to note that it is NOT currently supported for an MS device to use a L3 configured interface as its own management (Dashboard uplink) interface. It sometimes works, but it's not supported.
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