Hi @zrunner626 I have not seen any of our clients wireless network with this behavior. As @PhilipDAth suggested "Block all access until sign-on is complete" should do the job. A piece of information from the below url says Once a device is authorized this method will not ask for authentication again for the permitted duration. May be your devices are already authorized. Could you verify this please? https://documentation.meraki.com/MR/Encryption_and_Authentication/Sponsored_Guest If a user disconnects and reconnects within the approved time, the device will automatically get internet access. If the user reconnects to the SSID after the approval period is expired the whole process will be repeated again. This function is currently limited to a maximum of 1 day (24 hours) per authorization. Note: Devices that have been authenticated for a specified duration cannot have their authentication manually revoked, and admins will have to wait for the authorized duration to end for access to expire. Devices are authorized by user accounts, and authorization applies to any device using the approved credentials.
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