Will answer the NAT thing first Its a bit of a cheaty workaround to be honest, but you can build as I screenied earlier, its kinda like a transparent NAT. It still translates.. but to itself but it should be reachable remotely and through inter-VLAN routing. About MX15 So you would build the /26 as a private VLAN as above, and then exclude that VLAN from NAT (essentially No-NAT). In this case when your PE forwards the /26 traffic to your Meraki, rather than hitting the NAT boundary and having to be translated, it should route straight through. As seen in the screenshot, no-NAT can be set on the uplink or the private VLAN, essentially relying on conventional routing. From the traffic though, AMP/IDS and all the Stateful FW stuff still apply so there "may" be issues with unsolicited inbound traffic being blocked without some additional config surrounding port forwarding. Not sure if that 1:1 NAT rule that allow remote connections on port numbers constitutes FW rules allowing traffic, need to poke wireshark a bit more and see how it interacts. I know MX15 has this to play with right now, but there is quite a lot of features being tested in MX15, it could be that some of the big changes (like no-NAT) are dropped for general release of that firmware (or pushed to a later stage.) Hope this helps, Just FYI that /26... you could be there some time building 1:1 NAT rules for each IP, have a poke through the API tools and see if there is some way to automate its delivery.... have fun!
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