Auto-tags for Systems Manager devices based on their method of enrollment are now available in Dashboard. You can get a quick glance at the tag list by going to Systems Manager > Configure > Tags.
For those who might need a refresher, auto-tags are automatically applied tags based on device attributes, posture, or group membership from third-party identity services such as AD or Apple Business Manager.
With enrollment type auto-tags, you are now able to make scoping decisions based on the enrollment type of your devices. For example, you might want to scope certain apps, policies, or settings only to Apple User Enrollment devices separately from their supervision enrollment devices.
These are the 8 currently supported enrollment types:
Android fully managed
Android work profile
Apple agent enrollment
Apple standard enrollment
Apple supervision enrollment
Apple user enrollment
Windows agent enrollment
Windows profile enrollment
These tags can be selected in the “Policy tags” selector anywhere it is supported in SM. Head over to our documentation to read more about using tags in Systems Manager.
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